In observance of President Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, Feb. 12, and return to their norm...
In an effort to better serve the public, the Sacramento Superior Court will extend its hours of operation at the Carol Miller Justice Center starting April 7, ...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted today to approve new ordinances to better regulate sidewalk vending in the unincorporated County, aiming to enh...
On Jan. 28, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted to approve updates to the General Assistance (GA) policy, enhancing support for indigent resi...
In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20.Sacramento County emergency services, as w...
The Sacramento County Public Safety and Justice Agency (PSJA) Advisory Committee is excited to invite community members to learn more about how they ...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held on Tuesday, Jan. 7. This year’s elected Chair is Supervisor Phil...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 1.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will co...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, Dec. 25.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will co...
The County Board of Supervisors intends to continue providing $1 million through the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Grant Program to support nonprofit organ...
Sacramento County is taking steps to address the region’s affordable housing crisis. At Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, an ordinance was introduced to ...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Dec. 10 meeting, approved in concept a groundbreaking initiative that aims to reduce barriers to County employment for individ...
Want to know where your tax dollars go? Curious about how Sacramento County spends its budget? You're invited to an interactive, virtual Sacramento County Bu...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28 and Friday, Nov. 29.Garbage service, as well as all em...
Applicants are now being sought for new jurors to serve on the Sacramento County Grand Jury. The application period opened on Nov. 20.Nineteen Sacramento County...
The Sacramento County Department of Water Resources (DWR) has opened three sandbag locations for residents in unincorporated areas. If you believe your p...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Nov. 11.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will contin...
The Board of Supervisors today took a step towards addressing safety with the adoption of an ordinance amendment curbing unlawful camping on public property.T...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors today unanimously adopted an ordinance that will prohibit sales of certain products containing intoxicating cannabino...
In observance of Indigenous Peoples' Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 14. Garbage service, as well as all emergency servi...
On Tuesday, Sept. 24, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved the reallocation of $250,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to the D...
At yesterday's Board of Supervisors Meeting, Dave Defanti, Deputy County Executive for Community Services, along with representatives from the County Depa...
The Sacramento County Department of Water Resources (DWR) is pleased to offer grants to support school or community projects that protect or improve local cre...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously yesterday to revise the Approved Budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year.The $9.2 billion Revised Reco...
County of Sacramento and Sacramento County Attorneys’ Association (SCAA) officials met on Wednesday, Aug. 28 to discuss the parties’ impasse concerning wage...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 2.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will continue.&...
Sacramento County is committed to enhancing the online experience for all residents and visitors.As part of our efforts to improve our website at www.saccoun...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will begin Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Revised Recommended Budget hearings on Wednesday, Sept. 4, at 9:30 a.m....
The Sacramento County Attorneys’ Association (SCAA), representing attorneys primarily employed at the Sacramento District Attorney and Public Defenders Offices,...
Currently, the County has more than 8,900 uncashed checks, totaling more than $3.7 million. How does this happen, and could this be your unclaimed money?...
The Capital Food Access Alliance – a regional collaboration between Sacramento County and the cities of Citrus Heights, Elk Grove, Galt, Folsom, Rancho Cordova,...
The Board of Supervisors, at its July 9 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Joshua Green as Director of General Services, effective Ju...
Sacramento County’s Community Review Commission (CRC) invites the public to send questions beforehand and/or participate and give feedback in its July 16 meet...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, July 4.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will c...
In observance of Juneteenth, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, June 19.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will contin...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on June 5 to approve the $8.8 billion Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25.The $8.8 ...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 27.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will continu...
The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended Budget...
The Board of Directors of the Sacramento County Water Agency (SCWA) approved a new cap on Initial Water Development Fee Payments required at the Improvement ...
UPDATE: Maintenance will continue on Sunday, April 28, from 8 - 11 a.m. Please use the alternate contacts during that time listed below.Sacramento County ...
Monday, April 22 is the 54th anniversary of Earth Day, a day to reflect on the need to protect our natural environment. To celebrate Earth Day – and to d...
Sacramento County released today its latest episode in its "County Conversations: Sac County Podcast." This County Conversation features John Lu...
The Board of Supervisors, at its April 9 meeting, authorized the County Executive’s appointment of Anita Maldonado as Executive Director of the Sacramento Emp...
The Board, at its April 9 meeting, adopted an ordinance amending Sacramento County’s Fireworks Regulations and Prohibitions as they relate to fireworks sales, ...
In observance of César Chávez Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, April 1.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will cont...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously today to approve the selection of Kevin Gardner as the County’s new Inspector General and authorize...
Sacramento County is proud to announce the launch of "County Conversations: Sac County Podcast." This monthly podcast series aims to provide list...
It’s 3/11, so what better day to tell you all about 311, your link to County Services!Sacramento County 311 is a simple, three-digit number to call for help wi...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, in its meeting on Feb. 27, approved the appointment of Sylvester Fadal as the Deputy County Executive for Administra...
In observance of President George Washington's birthday, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 19. Sacramento County emergency se...
In observance of President Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 12.Sacramento County emergency services, a...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors intends to continue providing $1 million through the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Grant Program to support nonpro...
Sacramento County Consolidated Utilities Billing & Service (CUBS) is making it easier for customers to view and manage their utilities accounts online wit...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 15.Sacramento County emergency services, as well a...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held on the Tuesday, Jan. 9 meeting. This year’s elected Chair is Supervisor...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 1.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will conti...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Dec. 25.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, at its Dec. 12 meeting, approved recommended budget priorities based on the results of a survey of County reside...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to appoint Assistant County Executive David Villanueva as County Executive. The appointment is ef...
Members of the public are invited to a virtual Sacramento County Budget Workshop on Thursday, December 7, at 6 p.m. Staff from the Sacramento County...
On stage, Dr. Rohan Radhakrishna began his session at the first Sacramento County Racial Equity Summit at Sacramento State University by capturing the more th...
Due to the incoming low wind chill temperatures meeting the approved thresholds this weekend, there are weather respite locations activating this weekend:T...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 23 and Friday, Nov. 24.Garbage service, as well as all eme...
After months of planning and preparation, the County Clerk/Recorder (CCR) Department is making its final moves to consolidate and relocate two of its existing o...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Nov. 7 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Matt Satow as Director of Water Resources, effective Nov. ...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Nov. 10.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will contin...
The County Clerk/Recorder (CCR) Department will be closing its East Area Service Center location, 5229 Hazel Avenue, Fair Oaks, on Thursday, November 9, 20...
As part of the County's Development Review Process Improvements Initiative to streamline development services and provide outstanding customer service, Sacrame...
Budgets are complicated – especially budgets as large as Sacramento County's. In order to demystify the budget process, the County is offering a virtual budget ...
The County Clerk/Recorder’s (CCR) office is consolidating and relocating two of its three offices by early 2024. CCR will be consolidating the downtown offic...
Sacramento County employs more than 13,600 full-time individuals. Of those staff members, some have disabilities, including but not limited to: hearing...
White Cane Awareness Day is celebrated each October 15 in order to highlight the achievements of people who are blind and low vision and promote awareness o...
In observance of Indigenous Peoples' Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 9. Garbage service, as well as all emergency servi...
Sacramento County will mail about 481,774 secured property tax bills which are payable beginning November 1, 2023. These tax bills are mailed only once a ...
County Executive Ann Edwards has announced her retirement, effective Jan. 26, 2024. “It has been an honor of a lifetime to serve as County Executive f...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously yesterday to revise the Approved Budget for the 2023-24 fiscal year.The $8.8 billion Revised Rec...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 4.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will continue....
The next time you attend a meeting in the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Chambers, be sure to check out the rotating art on display! Sacramento County s...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will begin Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Revised Recommended Budget hearings on Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 9:30 a.m. in B...
The Community Corrections Partnership Advisory Board (CCPAB) is holding a special meeting to share information about the Draft AB 109 Plan update for 2023 and ...
The Board of Supervisors, at its August 8 meeting, approved responses to two Grand Jury reports regarding responses to homeless issues and behavioral health re...
The Board of Supervisors, at its August 8 meeting, approved a response to a June 2, 2023, Grand Jury Report, “What’s Taking So Long? County Delays Mandated Jail...
Sacramento County's Community Review Commission (CRC) has released its Annual Review Report, which outlines the Commission's activities from July 2022 - June 2...
Every July, we celebrate Disability Pride Month to commemorate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) being signed into law on July 26, 1990. Dis...
Annual bills for the Sacramento County unsecured personal property taxes for fiscal year 2023-2024 will be mailed July 25, 2023, and are due no later than Au...
The Sacramento County Environmental Management Department (EMD) inspectors are making sure the operators of the 120 food stands at the California Stat...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Tuesday, July 4.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will c...
Sacramento County is cracking down on the sale and use of illegal fireworks, and we need your help! With the 2022 implementation of a “social host" ordina...
In observance of Juneteenth, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, June 19.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will continue....
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on June 7 to approve the $8.4 billion recommended budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24.“The approv...
The Board of Supervisors at its June 6 meeting concurred with the County Executive's Appointment of Chad Rinde as Director of Finance, effective June 26, 2023.“...
The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended ...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 29.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will continue...
On Nov. 17, 2020, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors declared racism a public health crisis, asserting that racism and the health inequities therefrom c...
The Board of Supervisors, at its April 18 meeting, voted unanimously to approve the second Monday in October to be recognized as Indigenous Peoples' Day.With th...
In observance of César Chávez Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, March 31.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will con...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors today unanimously approved the ratification of a local state of emergency for Sacramento County. The emergency procla...
In observance of President George Washington's birthday, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 20. Sacramento County emergency services...
In observance of President Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 13.Sacramento County emergency service...
The County's development process is one step closer to undergoing comprehensive systematic and customer service improvements, as the Board of Supervisors voted...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 16.Sacramento County emergency services, as well as...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held Tuesday, Jan. 10. This year’s elected Chair is Supervisor Rich Desmo...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors at its special meeting today, in a unanimous vote with those members present, approved the ratification of a local s...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will meet virtually on Tuesday, Jan. 3 for a special meeting to vote on the ratification of a Proclamation of Local S...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 2.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will cont...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Dec. 26.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue.&...
After a 44-year career with Sacramento County, District 5 Supervisor and Board Chair Don Nottoli has banged the gavel for the last time as a County elected of...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted today to adopt an ordinance establishing Juneteenth as a County holiday, celebrated on June 19. This ordinanc...
Members of the public are invited to one of two virtual Sacramento County Budget Workshops on Thursday, Dec. 15, at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Staff from the Sac...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 24 and Friday, Nov. 25.Garbage service, as well as all emer...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Nov. 11.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services, will contin...
The Board of Supervisors at its Oct. 25 meeting concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Timothy Lutz as Director of Health Services, effective Nov....
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 10. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Sept. 13 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Troy Givans as Director of Community Development, effect...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Sept. 13 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Rosa Vega as Coroner, effective Sept. 25.“Ms. Vega’s a...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted yesterday to revise the Approved Budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year.The Approved Budget in June totaled $7.3 b...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 5.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will begin Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 Revised Recommended Budget hearings on Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 9:30 a.m. in...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously today to approve Francine Tournour as the new Inspector General for Sacramento County. Tournour wil...
With a wide variety of career opportunities available within County departments, Sacramento County’s Department of Personnel Services is working hard to make th...
Update: August 24, 2022 - At the Aug. 23 Board of Supervisors meeting the Board voted unanimously to adopt both ordinances. Both ordinances will...
Sacramento County is today proclaiming a public health emergency and a local emergency in order to ensure appropriate resources and funding are available to th...
The Board of Supervisors, at its July 13 meeting, approved the County Executive’s proposed Phase Two funding allocations and project recommendations for the ...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, July 4.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will cont...
The Board of Supervisors, at its June 14 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Jennea Monasterio as Director of the Environmental Manage...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on June 9 to approve the $7.3 billion recommended budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23.“Sacramento C...
The Board of Supervisors, at its June 7 meeting, approved a response to an April 4 Grand Jury report claiming that the Public Health Office was abandoned by the...
The Board of Supervisors at its June 7 meeting concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Chevon Kothari as Deputy County Executive – Social Services,...
The Board of Supervisors, at its June 7 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Amanda Benson as Public Defender, effective June 19.“The ...
The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended B...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 30.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continu...
The Board of Supervisors, at its May 24 meeting, adopted an ordinance, also known as a “host ordinance,” amending Sacramento County Code Chapter 4.54 to add hos...
The Board of Supervisors, at its May 11 meeting, introduced an ordinance amending Sacramento County Code Chapter 4.54 to add host liability and penalties for v...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, at its May 10 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of David Defanti as the Deputy County Execu...
Join Sacramento County Waste Management & Recycling, SacGreenTeam! On Friday, May 6 and Saturday, May 7, we are pulling out all the stops to immediately ...
The Board of Supervisors, at its April 27 meeting, approved a response to a Feb. 14 Grand Jury report claiming that the Board abandoned responsibility for the C...
Currently, the County has nearly 6,000 uncashed checks, totaling more than $2.1 million. How does this happen and could this be your unclaimed money? ...
In observance of César Chávez Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, March 31.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will c...
In observance of President George Washington's birthday, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 21.Sacramento County emergency services, ...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted yesterday to declare a shelter crisis in Sacramento County as an important step towards implementing the Board’...
The Board of Supervisors has confirmed the County Executive’s appointment of Eric Jones as the Deputy County Executive for Public Safety and Justice. Jones’ fir...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, at its Feb. 8 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of David Defanti as the Director of Communi...
On Friday, Feb. 11, most Sacramento County offices will be closed in observance of President Abraham Lincoln's Birthday.All emergency services, as well as garb...
Sacramento County has a new Director of Animal Care and Regulation.The Board of Supervisors, at its Jan. 25 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appoi...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 17.Sacramento County emergency services, as well as...
The Board of Supervisors approved the initial project recommendations for Phase One Funding Allocations for the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). The fu...
Update Jan. 25, 2022: An earlier version of the story indicated retailers may not purchase flavored tobacco inventory for sale between the ordinance's adopt...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held Tuesday, Jan. 11. This year’s elected Chair is Supervisor Don Nottoli o...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Dec. 31. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Dec. 24.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
UPDATE11:15 a.m., Dec. 15 Power has been restored to Sacramento County Office Buildings at 700 H Street and 827 7th Street, and all public counters wil...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, at its Dec. 8 meeting, approved the recommended budget priorities to be used in the development of the FY 2022-23 b...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Dec. 7 meeting, voted to adopt the Final Supervisorial District Map.The Final Map is a result of the Board of Supervisors’ dire...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 25 and Friday, Nov. 26.Garbage service, as well as all emergen...
Sacramento County has made available on its Redistricting Draft Maps webpage the final draft map. The final draft map is a result of the Board of Supervis...
Sacramento County is seeking community input on the second draft map proposing new district lines in Sacramento County. Draft Map NDC 204 can be viewed on the d...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 11. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will...
Sacramento County wants your input! The public is invited to attend a virtual workshop at 1 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 6, about the draft maps proposing new district...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Tuesday meeting, approved the County Executive’s proposal for how the County should spend the first $150 million in funds from ...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Nov. 2 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Dr. Sylvester Fadal as Director of Personnel Services, eff...
Sacramento County is seeking community input on draft maps proposing new district lines in Sacramento County. The draft maps can be viewed on the County’...
Members of the public are invited to one of two Sacramento County Budget Workshops on Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Staff from the Sacr...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 11. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
The Board of Supervisors at its Sept. 28 meeting concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Ethan Dye as Director of Human Assistance, effective Oct. ...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted yesterday to revise the Approved Budget for the 2021-22 fiscal year.The Approved Budget in June totaled $6.5 bi...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 6.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
The County Board of Supervisors will begin budget hearings on Wednesday, Sept. 8, at 9:30 a.m. in the Sacramento County Administration Building located at...
Following a Closed Session Board meeting today, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to appoint Interim County Executive Ann Edwards a...
After an extensive nationwide search and recruitment, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors yesterday concurred with the Interim County Executive’s appoint...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, July 5.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will cont...
Currently, the County has more than 8,000 uncashed checks, totaling more than $2.6 million. How does this happen and could this be your unclaimed money? ...
Sacramento County invites residents, businesses, special districts and community organizations to provide feedback on community needs that have developed as a r...
The public is invited to attend one of two virtual workshops about the Sacramento County redistricting process. These workshops will also provide an overv...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on June 10 to approve the $6.5 billion recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2021-22.“We are fortun...
Sacramento County invites residents, businesses, special districts and community organizations to provide feedback on community needs that have developed a...
In late February 2021, the Sacramento County Department of Finance began accepting applications for the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) program. Through the CR...
For the first time since indoor gatherings were prohibited by County and state public health orders, the Sacramento County Board Chambers will be open to public...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will hold its first public hearing about redistricting at 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 8. The meeting will be live str...
Sacramento County’s Inspector General, Mark Evenson, has released the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) 2020 annual report. The report is available for p...
The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended Budget...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 31.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
The process for re-drawing boundary lines for each of the five supervisorial districts in Sacramento County has begun.What is Redistricting?Every ten years, fol...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on May 4 accepted almost $60 million in state funding to improve and expand the epidemiology and laboratory capacity ...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously approved the resolution for the formation of a Community Review Commission that will work with...
The Board of Supervisors at its May 4 meeting concurred with the Interim County Executive’s appointment of Chevon Kothari as Director of Health Services, effe...
The Board of Supervisors, at its April 20 meeting, concurred with the Interim County Executive’s appointment of Amanda Thomas as Chief Fiscal Officer effective ...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will hold a Budget Study Session at 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 14. Staff from the Office of Budget and Debt Manag...
The Board of Supervisors today unanimously voted in support of a resolution that condemns and will combat racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against people in...
In observance of César Chávez Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, March 31.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved today to apply for and accept COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act funding totaling $64,102,830 from state and...
For the first time in 16 years, Sacramento County’s Third District has a new supervisor.Supervisor Rich Desmond was sworn in at the Jan. 11 Board meeting. Desmo...
In observance of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Feb. 12, and Monday, Feb. 15.Sacrame...
Acting County Executive Ann Edwards today signed a Proclamation of Local State of Emergency for Winter Storms. The proclamation is retroactive to Jan. 26...
Public Budget Workshop Presentation: Overview of the County Budget and Budget ProcessMembers of the public are invited to a Sacramento County Budget Wo...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 18.Sacramento County emergency services, as well as ...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held Tuesday, Jan. 11. This year’s elected Chair is Supervisor Sue Frost of...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Jan. 1. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will c...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Dec. 25.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
The County has appointed Jim Hunt as Acting Director of the Department of Health Services. His appointment is effective Monday, Dec. 21.Hunt has extensive exper...
The Board of Supervisors will provide direction to County staff at its Dec. 16 meeting for utilization of unspent Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) revenue totaling...
By a unanimous vote, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors today approved establishment of a Sacramento County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls....
The Board of Supervisors has selected Ann Edwards, the Director of Sacramento County’s Department of Human Assistance, for the position of Acting County Executi...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 26 and Friday, Nov. 27.Garbage service, as well as all emergen...
Announcement by Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Chairman Phil Serna regarding CEO Nav Gill:As Chairman my one and only obligation this afternoon is ...
The Board of Supervisors today approved a resolution declaring racism as a public health crisis in Sacramento County.The resolution, brought forth by District 1...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, Nov. 11. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services wil...
Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services is seeking licensed Senior Mental Health Counselors for the Mobile Crisis Support Team to provide a fi...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 12. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
UPDATE: The Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance at its Dec. 15 meeting to extend the Sacramento County Worker Protection, Health and Safety Act of...
If you haven’t responded to the 2020 census, the best time to do it is now, and it’s as easy as visiting the 2020 Census website or calling 844-330-2020. The de...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted yesterday, Sept. 10, to approve the Revised Recommended Budget for the 2020-21 fiscal year. The Revised...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Sep. 7.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
There’s still time to complete the 2020 Census, but the clock is ticking. The last day to respond is September 30. The US Census Bureau and local census a...
The Sacramento County Revised Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-21 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Revised Recommen...
The County’s Chief Fiscal Officer yesterday presented to the Board of Supervisors a status update of the Coronavirus Relief Fund Revenue received by Sacrament...
Have you completed the 2020 U.S. Census? If not, you may have received a postcard last week from the U.S. Census Bureau inviting you to do so. If you live in a ...
In late February 2020, the Sacramento County Department of Finance put out a call for applications for the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) program. This year, ...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, July 3.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will conti...
The County’s budget process will look a little different this year, due to coronavirus (COVID-19).Generally, the Board of Supervisors holds hearings in June to ...
The Board of Supervisors today unanimously approved the ratification of the Local State of Emergency Proclamation for Civil Unrest. The County will review the n...
Sacramento County today proclaimed a Local State of Emergency in the wake of civil unrest within the County and the deployment of National Guard troops in the a...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 25.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
Currently, the County has more than 11,000 uncashed checks, totaling more than $3.2 million. How does this happen and could this be your unclaimed money?...
Because of the public health crisis, the U.S. Census Bureau has extended the deadline for completing the census until Oct. 31, and the census has never been ea...
In observance of César Chávez Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Tuesday, March 31.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will c...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors adopted today a resolution for a temporary moratorium on residential tenant evictions. The resolution goes into effe...
On March 2, 1799, President John Adams signed the United States’ first weights and measures law. To commemorate this event, Weights and Measures departments acr...
Beginning March 12, households in Sacramento County will begin to receive invitations by mail to complete the 2020 U.S. Census. By April 1, the official U.S. ...
In 1992, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors adopted the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Program to encourage financial institutions to be active in s...
Beginning March 12, the U.S. Census Bureau will mail invitations to every household in Sacramento County with directions to complete the 2020 census questionn...
In observance of President's Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17.Sacramento County emergency services, as well as garbage/recy...
3/12/2020 Update: In complying with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and the California Department of Public Health, and out of an abunda...
On Wednesday, Feb. 12, most Sacramento County offices will be closed in observance of President Abraham Lincoln's Birthday.All emergency services, as well as ga...
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so it’s time to figure out how to make it extra special for the person you love. If you and your partner plan to marr...
Each year, Sacramento County employees participate in an employee-organized fundraising campaign to support local and global nonprofit organizations. To report ...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20.Sacramento County emergency services, as well as...
Every 10 years the US Census Bureau counts every person living in the US. The information will help Sacramento County and our diverse communities receive ...
On Tuesday, Jan. 14, the Board of Supervisors held their annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair. This year’s elected Chair is Supervisor Phil Serna of...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, Jan. 1. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services wil...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, Dec. 25.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously yesterday to approve the selection of a new Inspector General for Sacramento County and for the Cou...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 28 and Friday, Nov. 29.Garbage service, as well as all emerge...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Nov. 11. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will c...
The County of Sacramento and Sally Swanson Architects, Inc., are seeking public comment on an updated Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and ...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 14. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will c...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted today to revise the Approved Budget for the 2019-20 fiscal year.The Approved Budget in June total...
The County Board of Supervisors will begin budget hearings on Wednesday, September 4, at 9:30 a.m. in the Sacramento County Administration Building located...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Sep. 2.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
The Board of Supervisors, at its Aug. 20 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Steven L. Hartwig as Deputy County Executive – Public Wor...
The Board of Supervisors authorized the County Executive to appoint Jeffrey Gasaway as the Sacramento County Director of General Services, effective Aug. 18. Th...
The Board of Supervisors authorized the County Executive to appoint Chrisandra Flores as the Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights and Measures, effectiv...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, July 4.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will con...
The members of the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and plaintiffs in the class action litigation suit Mays vs. County of Sacramento, represented by Priso...
The Board of Supervisors, at its June 18 meeting, appointed Lisa A. Travis as County Counsel effective June 23, 2019.“Ms. Travis’ extensive experience with the ...
Currently, the County has more than 5,000 uncashed checks, totaling more than $2.2 million. How does this happen and could this be your unclaimed money?...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously yesterday to approve the $4.4 billion recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2019-20.“Sacramento County...
The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-20 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended Budget at 9...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 27.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
In observance of César Chávez Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, April 1.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will...
In observance of President's Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 18.Sacramento County emergency services, as well as garbage/recy...
On Tuesday, Feb. 12, most Sacramento County offices will be closed in observance of President Abraham Lincoln's Birthday.All emergency services, as well as garb...
On Mar. 9, all job seekers are invited to the 2019 Sacramento County Career Fair to meet County department representatives and get details on available jo...
Every year, Sacramento County employees participate in an employee-organized fundraising campaign to support local and global nonprofit organizations. To report...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 21.Sacramento County emergency services, as well as...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Jan. 15 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Liz Bellas as the Director of Regional Parks, effective J...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held Tuesday, Jan. 15. This year’s elected Chair is Supervisor Patrick...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Tuesday, Jan. 1. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Tuesday, Dec. 25.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue.&...
This past November, Sacramento County, in conjunction with Align Capital Region’s Innovative Pathways to Public Service, hosted more than 50 sophomores from Geo...
Currently, the County has more than 5,000 uncashed checks, totaling more than $2.2 million. How does this happen and could this be your unclaimed money?&...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 23.Garbage service, as well as all emerge...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Nov. 12. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will co...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 8. Garbage service, as well as all emergency service...
At its Sept. 25 meeting, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance amending the County Code relating to general business license fees fo...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, at its Sept. 11 meeting, voted to adopt the South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan and related Aquatic Resource...
A federal court decision has ruled that illegal camping ordinances are unconstitutional and that local governments cannot cite or arrest anyone sleeping on pub...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted today to approve the Adopted Budget for the Fiscal Year 2018-19. The $4.2 billion spending plan maintains ...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 3.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will contin...
The Board of Supervisors, at its July 17 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Peter Beilenson as Director of the Department of Health ...
The Board of Supervisors, at its July 24 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Steven M. Garrett as Public Defender effective July 22, ...
Citing excessive costs and an unrealistic implementation schedule, Sacramento County has declined to settle a threatened lawsuit by the Prison Law Office (PLO)...
The Board of Supervisors, at its July 17 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Michelle Callejas as the Director of Child, Family, and ...
At their July 17 meeting, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors authorized the County Executive to appoint Bruce Wagstaff as Deputy County Executive, Socia...
The County of Sacramento and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 39, which represents the Water Quality/Stationary Engineers Unit, have reache...
Annual bills for Sacramento County unsecured property taxes for fiscal year 2018-2019 will be mailed on July 13, 2018 and are payable without delinquent penalt...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, July 4.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will co...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2018/19 on Tuesday, June 5.The Budget maintains the capac...
The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended Budget at 9&...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 28.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
Wedding season is officially upon us and with that, comes a lot of planning. Lucky for you, the Sacramento County Clerk/Recorder’s office is here to help....
Currently, the County has more than 10,000 uncashed checks, totaling more than $2.4 million. How does this happen and could this be your unclaimed money?...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors held a ceremony on April 10 to honor the 5,104 volunteers for contributing more than 350,250 hours to County progr...
As a result of Sacramento County's commitment to fiscal responsibility, major credit-rating company Standard and Poor's Rating Services (S&P) raised the Co...
In observance of César Chávez Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, March 30.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will co...
On March 10, all job seekers are invited to the 2018 Sacramento County Career Fair to talk with County department representatives and get details on available j...
In observance of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 12 and Monday, Feb. 19.Garba...
On Tuesday, Jan. 23, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved the first-year funding for the 2018-20 Cultural Arts Awards Program (CAA) in the amoun...
Annually, Sacramento County employees make sure nonprofit charities globally and locally are supported. The 2017 Sacramento County Employee Giving Campaign was ...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, January 15.Sacramento County emergency services, as well...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held on Tuesday, January 9. This year, the Chair is Supervisor Susan Peters...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 1. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Dec. 25.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors at its meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 12, authorized an additional $1 million to fund a portion of the construction costs ...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 23 and Friday, Nov. 24.Garbage service, as well as all emergenc...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, November 10, 2017.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services wi...
With the Sacramento Kings 2017-18 season officially open and other events scheduled at the Golden 1 Center, you might be searching for the perfect parking s...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, October 9.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will c...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors yesterday approved the Adopted Budget document for Fiscal Year 2017-18 to fund County operations.The document outli...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will review and approve the Adopted Budget Documents for Fiscal Year 2017-18 on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 9:30 a.m. ...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, September 4. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will conti...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Tuesday, July 4.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will con...
On Thursday, June 15, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors appointed Christina Wynn as Interim Assessor, effective June 25, 2017. The appointment term wi...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted today to approve the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18. The $4 billion budget will allow the County t...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 13 at the Sac...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 29.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continu...
Whether it's our roads and bridges, the water flowing to our faucets or the neighborhoods we maintain – the services we provide connect us and bring a higher qu...
In response to Sacramento County Assessor Kathleen Kelleher’s retirement, effective May 13, the Board of Supervisors provided a selection procedure to appoint ...
Today the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to introduce an ordinance changing the Sacramento County Code related to butane resale and possession. The ordi...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors today authorized the County Executive to appoint Michael Penrose as Deputy County Executive of the Public Works and ...
Nearly 900 local job seekers met with representatives from more than 20 county departments at the Sacramento County Career Fair held in March. From the departm...
Sacramento County has been offering an easy, single point of contact since 2014 for residents to connect with virtually any Sacramento County service. Residen...
In observance of César Chávez Day, most County offices will be closed on Friday, March 31 for the national holiday to commemorate the civil rights and labor ...
Today, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved four initiatives to reduce homelessness with the intent to: improve the family...
Robert Logsdon was recently selected as the new County of Sacramento Chief Building Official in the Division of Building Permits and Inspection. “Logsdon has b...
Who doesn’t love an unexpected windfall? Could you have an outstanding check with Sacramento County? The County has more than 5,700 uncashed checks on its book...
Sacramento County recruits for more than 1,000 types of jobs, including public safety, building, administrative, financial, technical, engineering, medical, att...
In observance of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Feb. 13 and on Monday, Feb. 20. All ...
Elected in November, and formally sworn-in on January 10, Sue Frost is representing District 4 as a Sacramento County Board of Supervisor and takes the reins f...
In the County’s annual employee campaign to raise funds for charitable organizations, project coordinator Terrie Porter, Director of the Child Support Service...
The Point-In-Time Homeless Count will take place tonight, Wednesday, January 25, from 7 pm – midnight. Trained volunteers will work in teams, with law enf...
In a much-anticipated move to bring urban agriculture to the unincorporated County, the Board of Supervisors today approved a new ordinance that will expand ur...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, January 16.All emergency services and garbage service wi...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held on Tuesday, January 10. This year, the Chair is Supervisor Don Nottoli...
In observance of the New Year's Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, January 2.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will...
In observance of the Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, December 26.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will co...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 24 and 25.Garbage service, as well as all emergen...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, November 11.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will con...
The Board of Supervisors authorized the County Executive to appoint Nancy Newton as the Assistant County Executive effective Dec. 4, 2016. "Ms. New...
Sacramento County’s popular customer service number, 311 Connect, has reached the one million call mark! The one-stop center for information and reportin...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, October 10.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will cont...
Every year our nation comes together to honor the heroes and victims of the 9-11-2001 terrorist attacks. This year’s motto is “Never Forget,” and the people o...
Hearings for the Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget concluded today with the Board of Supervisors approving the Adopted Budget document outlining the nearly $4B budget...
Sacramento, CA—During final budget hearings, beginning September 7 at 9:30 a.m., the Board of Supervisors will review and approve the Adopted Budget D...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, September 5 2016.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will co...
Sacramento County has released its Adopted Budget documents for the Fiscal Year 2016-17. The nearly $4B dollar spending plan covers the wide range of services...
News ReleaseAnnual bills for Sacramento County unsecured property taxes for fiscal year 2016-2017 will be mailed on July 22, 2016 and are payable without de...
To serve Sacramento County, a lot of ground needs to be covered. Whether it’s our Department of Transportation, Waste Management and Recycling or our Sacrament...
Sacramento County, in coordination with Sacramento Metro Cable 14, the local government TV station that airs public meetings on Channel 14, has added a new Liv...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed Monday, July 4. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will contin...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted today to approve the Recommended Budget for the Fiscal Year 2016-17. The $3.9 billion spending plan allows the...
Sacramento County has released its Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17. This is the proposed spending plan that covers the wide range of services th...
Sacramento, CA., -- The Board of Supervisors authorized the County Executive to appoint Ben Lamera as the Director of Finance effective June 26, 2016. Lamera h...
Sacramento, CA., --Following a national recruitment, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted to appoint Cynthia Cavanaugh as the Director of Homeless I...
In observance of Memorial Day, most County offices will be closed on Monday, May 30 for the national holiday to honor and remember those that have died while s...
Sacramento County is proud to recognize and honor the folks that often go unseen – County Municipal Services employees who deliver public works services that m...
Following a Closed Session Board meeting today, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to appoint Interim County Executive Nav Gill as C...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors held a special event today to thank and celebrate the more than 3,500 volunteers who gave their time last year to Co...
Do you often wish you could help people in need but are not sure how? This year, you can make a real difference by donating to Sacramento Steps Forward, the le...
Government Fleet magazine and the American Public Works Association (APWA) announced their Leading Fleets for 2016 including Sacramento County’s Fleet Service...
In observance of César Chávez Day, most County offices will be closed on Thursday, March 31 for the national holiday to commemorate the civil rights and labor ...
Following the annual report on the midyear status of the budget, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors directed the County Executive to create a policy th...
Update March 22, 2016: Today, the Board of Supervisors voted to move forward on a single-use carry-out bag ordinance. The Board waived full reading and...
Could you be missing a check?There is a list of more than 7,000 names of individuals and businesses on the Outstanding Checks Data Portal that ha...
In observance of the birthdays of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, February 12, and a...
Every year the employees of Sacramento County take action to ensure support of nonprofit charities globally and locally. To show the successes of the 2015 Sacr...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, January 18. Garbage service, as well as all emergency se...
On Tuesday, January 12, the Board of Supervisors held their annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors. This year, Superv...
On Tuesday January 12, the Board of Supervisors selected Assistant CEO Nav Gill for the position of Interim CEO. The position will become effective on January ...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed Friday, January 1. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will conti...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed Friday, December 25. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continu...
Sacramento County Executive Bradley J. Hudson announced his acceptance of a new position as CEO of a private firm in Orange County, effective January 23.“I’ve ...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on November 26 and 27. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will co...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors has appointed Rick Braziel to begin serving as Inspector General on December 1, 2015. The Office of Inspector Genera...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, November 11. Garbage service, as well as all emergency servic...
Sacramento County has approved new regulations aimed at reducing the unsightly nuisance and blight of abandoned shopping carts and reduce the County’s cost of ...
Join the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on October 30 for the 2015 State of the County Forum. As the largest municipality in Greater Sacramento, Sacram...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, October 12. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will con...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted today to approve the Adopted Budget for the Fiscal Year 2015-16. The $3.8B spending plan covers the wide range...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, September 7. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will cont...
The Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2015/16 is available on the Office of Financial Management’s website. The spending plan covers the wide range of serv...
Do you ever wonder who to call when you spot a stray dog running in the streets or see a traffic light that’s not working in Sacramento County? Now there...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, July 3. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will co...
Emerging from the economic recession, Sacramento County is making strategic investments in key health programs for Fiscal Year 15/16. Approved by the Board of ...
The Board of Supervisors approved the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16 today, authorizing spending for services the County provides until the Adopted ...
On Wednesday, July 1, the Department of Revenue Recovery (DRR) will be closing its 4100 Branch Center Road office. All operations ...
The Board of Supervisors began hearings on the Recommended Budget on Monday, June 15, at 9:30 a.m. at the Sacramento County Administration Building located...
Sacramento County’s preliminary or Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16 is online for public review. The plan covers the broad range of services that the...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors is approving the establishment of March 31 as an annual County Holiday and Day of Service in recognition of the late ...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 25. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will contin...
In support of National Public Works Week, Sacramento County celebrates its Municipal Services departments and employees for providing and maintaining the...
Just like counties around the nation, Sacramento County’s infrastructure is key to our quality of life. National County Government Month provides an opportunit...
In observance of Presidents Abraham Lincoln’s and George Washington’s birthday, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, February 12, and als...
While most never think about it – improperly sealed or abandoned wells pose significant risks to our groundwater quality and are a very real safety hazard for ...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, January 19. Garbage service, as well as all emergency s...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held Tuesday, January 6. This year, Chair is Supervisor Phil Serna, of Dist...
Since being elected in June to represent District 2 on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, Patrick Kennedy, who replaced Supervisor Jimmie Yee upo...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed Thursday, January 1. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will c...
On Friday, December 26, Glen Craig, who served as the 33rd Sheriff of Sacramento County from 1986-1999, passed away, at age 81. Glen Craig was known as a tir...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed Thursday, December 25. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will cont...
After 20 years of serving as Sacramento County District Attorney, Jan Scully is retiring and holding a fundraiser for the Family Justice Center to mark the occ...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on November 27 and 28. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will co...
On Monday, November 17, Toby Johnson, who served as a member of the County Board of Supervisors from 1979 to 1994, passed away, at age 97. Toby Johnson was e...
Connect with more than 60 government and public agency buyers and small business resource organizations at The 2014 Connecting Point event Wednesday, November ...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Tuesday, November 11. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, October 13. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services wi...
Frugal spenders - get ready to hunt for treasure! On October 9, from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., the County will be hosting a garage sale of surplus i...
The Department of Health and Human Services Administration building, located at 7001 East Parkway, will be renamed in honor of Grantland Johnson, a former Coun...
There’s a stray cow walking down my street, bugs are coming in from my neighbor’s place, and no one is using gloves at the tattoo shop. These are ju...
Sacramento County ended the 2013-14 Fiscal Year $44 million in the black; recording the third consecutive year of financial improvement. The $3.7 billion...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, September 1. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services wil...
Grantland Johnson, who served as a member of the County Board of Supervisors from 1987 to 1993, passed away today, August 19, at age 65. In addition to his two...
Members of the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors today expressed support for a statewide water bond headed for the November ballot which they believe will...
This week the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors formally submitted comments challenging the findings of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) state envir...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, July 4. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will c...
In what would become a three year journey, the Sacramento County Clerk Recorder preserves our history from as far back as 1849 – prior to California’s statehoo...
The Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 14/15 on June 18. With increases in sales and property tax adding about 4.3...
The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for the Fiscal Year 2014-15 has been released. The $3.6 billion spending plan covers the wide range of services prov...
We’ve all seen them; the small, dark store-fronts with blackened windows advertising “massage” popping up in many strip centers. Notably different than h...
The Recommended Budget for the fiscal year 2014-15 has been released. The spending plan covers the wide range of services provided by Sacramento County includi...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 26. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will conti...
A grand opening was held for the new South County Service Center on East Stockton Boulevard off of Power Inn Road. Board Supervisors Jimmie Yee and&...
After two months of planning, Supervisor Don Nottoli and County officials hosted a delegation of elected government officials from Russia to discuss how our go...
In observance of President George Washington’s birthday, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, February 17. Garbage service, as well as al...
In observance of Lincoln's birthday, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on February 12, 2014. Garbage service, as well as all emergency servic...
Where do I report an abandoned vehicle? Who fixes broken street lights? These are an example of the hundreds of questions coming i...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, January 20. Garbage service, as well as all emergency s...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed Wednesday, January 1. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed Wednesday, December 25. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will con...
Sacramento County and the International Union of Operating Engineers (Local 39) have reached a tentative agreement for a five-year contract. If approved by the...
On November 22, the Sacramento County Probation Department partnered with the Board of Supervisors to purchase and deliver a total of 735 turkeys to local...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29. Garbage service, as well as all e...
A lively presentation about the importance of Sacramento’s suburbs drew a crowd of 320 people to this year’s State of the County. The luncheon, titled “Suburbs...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, November 11. As always, garbage service will continue as well as all ...
Collecting fines, fees, restitution payments, welfare overpayments and other bills owed to Sacramento taxpayers can be challenging, and supervisors at the Depar...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, October 14. As always, garbage service will continue as well as all e...
Showing signs of wear and tear, the water tank along US-50 near Mather Field was due for some maintenance. Originally constructed in 1957 and last painted when...
Everyone’s heard a welfare fraud story, but few know what really goes on behind the scenes. Sacramento County’s Program Integrity (Welfare Fraud) Division has ...
On Thursday, September 26, search the bargain treasures at the County’s version of a garage sale. Likely it will be the largest and the best deals you have eve...
The Sacramento County Department of Airports is asking for bids from mobile food concession operators to provide breakfast, lunch and/or dinner to hungry custo...
Sacramento County held a Memorial Service and Flag Folding Ceremony at Sacramento International Airport this morning in honor of the victims of the 9/11 terrori...
Sacramento County Assessor Kathleen Kelleher announced that the Assessor’s redesigned website won the International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) Pub...
Following years of reductions, Sacramento County’s fiscal outlook is looking up for the second year in a row. After reconciling accounts and making adjus...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, September 2. As always, garbage service will continue as well a...
Most of the time, Joel Moss landscapes the grounds around Sacramento International and Mather Airport. He maintains both airports with irrigation, tree work an...
On August 15, the Delta Counties Coalition, comprised of Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, Contra Costa and Yolo counties hosted Congressional staff for a compr...