Currently, the County has more than 5,000 uncashed checks, totaling more than $2.2 million. How does this happen and could this be your unclaimed money?
Think you might have an uncashed check with Sacramento County? Here are quick and easy ways to find out:
If you find your name or business on the data listing, go to the
Unclaimed County Warrants webpage to find out about the documentation and information needed to validate that you are the rightful payee to receive the funds.
More Unclaimed Monies
- Claimant's Name
- Date of Birth
- Address (Current and Previous)
- Phone Number
- Amount of the claim
- DRR Account Number
- Court Docket Number
- Date of Order
- Defendant's Name
- Proof of Identity (Driver's License or ID Card)
- Proof of Payment: Copy of check, money order receipt or credit card confirmation number
- Information regarding the incident (case information)
Sacramento County makes this data easily available on its websites, Open Data Portal and other measures to ensure the information is accessible and the monies go to the rightful payees.