In advance of the coming low overnight temperatures, Sacramento County is opening two warming center locations over the weekend. See below for operating days an...
Give your 2021 holiday tree the proper send-off and a new, beneficial life as mulch or biofuel to generate electricity! Residents can drop off their l...
In observance of New Year’s Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Dec. 31. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will...
Sacramento County Public Health, in partnership with The Center at Sierra Health Foundation and Community Based Organization partners (also known as Sac Colla...
In September 2021, Planning and Environmental Review (PER) – now part of the Community Development Department – released a draft of the Climate Action Plan (...
In observance of Christmas, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Dec. 24.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
Roughly 16,000 travelers are expected to pass through Sacramento International Airport (SMF) each day over the holiday season (Dec. 17- Jan. 3) – that’s about 8...
Over the weekend, Sacramento County activated two warming center locations in response to the low overnight temperatures in Sacramento. The warming centers we...
UPDATEDec. 17, 2021Sacramento County is opening two warming center locations over the weekend. Centers will be open from 7 pm – 7 am Friday, Saturday...
UPDATE11:15 a.m., Dec. 15 Power has been restored to Sacramento County Office Buildings at 700 H Street and 827 7th Street, and all public counters wil...
The holiday season is here and that means presents, decorations, giving to charity, and food, food and more food. All of these things are fun and exciting for ...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, at its Dec. 8 meeting, approved the recommended budget priorities to be used in the development of the FY 2022-23 b...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Dec. 7 meeting, voted to adopt the Final Supervisorial District Map.The Final Map is a result of the Board of Supervisors’ dire...
Sacramento County’s Bradshaw Animal Shelter is partnering with non-profit affiliate Teaching Everyone Animals Matter (TEAM) for their annual Home for the Holida...
Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services is inviting the public to a virtual report back from 3 – 5 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 13 on the progress of the Wellness ...
The Sacramento County Probation Department, in collaboration with Behavioral Health Services and the Public Defender’s Office, will host an Open House to celebr...
The Sacramento region had its first major rainstorm of 2021 in October, which brought huge amounts of snow to the Sierra. So much in fact, several Tahoe ski res...
The deadline for paying the first installment of your 2021-2022 Sacramento County property taxes is coming up very soon. Payments are due no later than De...
For many people, winter holidays are stressful, and holidays during a pandemic can be even more stressful. For individuals who are in recovery from alcohol an...
Small Business Saturday is celebrated across the nation every year to highlight the importance of supporting small businesses. This year, Small Business Saturda...
Sacramento County’s Bradshaw Animal Shelter is hosting its fourth Annual Howliday Stocking Toy & Treat Drive. The shelter is collecting quality toys and tre...
S&P Global Ratings has raised its long-term rating for the Sacramento County Department of Airports’ (SCDA) outstanding bonds. The primary reasons for the ...
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) now recommends a COVID-19 booster for anyone 18 or older. After receiving approval from the FDA, the CDC’s Advisory Commit...
In observance of Thanksgiving, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 25 and Friday, Nov. 26.Garbage service, as well as all emergen...
Sacramento International Airport (SMF) recorded more than 1 million passengers in October 2021, making it the second time this year that monthly traffic has ex...
Sacramento County has made available on its Redistricting Draft Maps webpage the final draft map. The final draft map is a result of the Board of Supervis...
Thanksgiving is around the corner! Start thinking about food safety if you are planning to cook up a feast for family or friends, including proper thawing of th...
Every year, Sacramento County’s Gifts from the Heart Program brightens the lives of more than 3,000 children, disabled adults and seniors by bringing them wra...
Demand for travel is back and this holiday season has the potential to be busier than ever. Online booking sites are predicting Thanksgiving passenger levels co...
Brenda Hottal got her first taste of adoptive parenting 12 years ago when she and her husband become guardians of her grand-nephew Landon. Landon eventually bec...
Sacramento County is seeking community input on the second draft map proposing new district lines in Sacramento County. Draft Map NDC 204 can be viewed on the d...
Sacramento County has added a Sustainability Manager position to develop and oversee a wide variety of climate and sustainability programs and initiatives. ...
This week, the US House of Representatives passed the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act bill package. Very preliminary estimates show that t...
The value of Sacramento County crops dipped slightly last year, but agriculture continues to be an important player in the local economy. In 2020, the total cas...
In observance of Veterans Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 11. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will...
Sacramento County wants your input! The public is invited to attend a virtual workshop at 1 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 6, about the draft maps proposing new district...
The fentanyl epidemic is here: More people in Sacramento County are now dying from fentanyl poisoning than from gun violence. To educate the public about t...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Tuesday meeting, approved the County Executive’s proposal for how the County should spend the first $150 million in funds from ...
In response to October’s Rancho Marina Mobile Home Park fire, Sacramento County and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) in partners...
Sacramento County has updated the County’s website domain name from to recent federal policy changes, the County’s Department o...
The Board of Supervisors, at its Nov. 2 meeting, concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Dr. Sylvester Fadal as Director of Personnel Services, eff...
The Caldor wildfire started on Aug. 14, in heavy timber south of the Grizzly Flats community in El Dorado County. Strong winds spread the wildfire to Lake Tahoe...
It’s that spooky time of year that trick or treaters love and we have COVID-19 guidance for reducing risk during fall and Halloween activities as well as tips f...
Sacramento County is seeking community input on draft maps proposing new district lines in Sacramento County. The draft maps can be viewed on the County’...
Are you passing out candy to trick-or-treaters this year? How about dressing your pet up in a costume? From decorating to celebrating, you and your pet can enjo...
The week of Oct. 23 – Oct. 30 is Flood Preparedness Week in California. After the storm we experienced this past weekend, now is a good time to l...
With heavy rains already falling and more expected throughout the day, Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services reminds residents to stay indoors, off th...
Did you know that more than half of all homes in Sacramento County were built before 1980? Houses built before 1978 are likely to have lead in the paint. Not t...
Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance (DHA) is activating its severe weather sheltering program ahead of colder weather in addition to rain forecaste...
On Oct. 21 at 10:15 am, Sacramento, Placer and Yolo counties will test the local emergency alert system. The test will be inclusive of those that have opted...
After a two-year hiatus, Aftershock Festival returned to Sacramento County’s Discovery Park this last weekend, welcoming a record-setting 145,000 fans. For the ...
Members of the public are invited to one of two Sacramento County Budget Workshops on Wednesday, Oct. 27, at 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Staff from the Sacr...
Since the completion of its initial design in 1967, Sacramento International Airport (SMF) has seen its share of major milestones.While each step in the evoluti...
Columbus Day weekend is one of the busiest travel holiday weekends of the year and the start of our busy holiday season at Sacramento International Airport (SM...
In observance of Columbus Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 11. Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
The Centers for Disease Control has recently released additional information regarding booster shots, outlining guidance for who should get a third vaccine...
Millions of Americans are impacted by mental illness, either by living with a mental health condition or knowing a friend, family member or coworker who is stru...
The Sacramento County Probation Department in collaboration with Behavioral Health Services and the Public Defender’s Office will host a Community Workshop on t...
Sept. 30 is National Recovery Day, a time to celebrate the millions of people with drug and alcohol addiction who have achieved sobriety and live happy, product...
As pet parents, we all understand the importance of providing our pets with the proper nutrition, exercise and care in order to ensure their health and happines...
Have you signed up for local emergency alerts through Sacramento Alert? September is National Preparedness Month, and a great way to prepare for disasters is b...
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) awarded more than $431.8 million in grants to build safer, more sustainable and m...
The Board of Supervisors at its Sept. 28 meeting concurred with the County Executive’s appointment of Ethan Dye as Director of Human Assistance, effective Oct. ...
WHAT: Sacramento International Airport (SMF) and its partners will be hosting a second job fair to fill multiple job openings. SMF hosted a job fair in Augu...
With flu season approaching, Sacramento County Public Health urges everyone to get a flu shot to protect themselves and their families from influenza. From Se...
Sacramento County will present the 15th annual California Capital Airshow Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 24-26 at Mather Airport. This year’s event feature...
Sacramento County will mail about 471,594 secured property tax bills which are payable beginning Nov. 1, 2021. These tax bills are mailed only once a year, how...
On Sept. 14, 2021, the Business Environmental Resource Center (BERC) awarded six businesses with the Sacramento Area Sustainability Business Awards at the Board...
The next time you attend a meeting in the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Chambers, be sure to check out the rotating art on display! Sacramento County ...
September is National Preparedness Month and the Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services (SacOES) would like to remind residents about the importance of ...
The Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks is temporarily closing three boat launches to motorized boat launching along the American River due to low wa...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted yesterday to revise the Approved Budget for the 2021-22 fiscal year.The Approved Budget in June totaled $6.5 bi...
September is National Suicide Prevention Month— a time to share resources and stories to shed light on this stigmatized topic. Sacramento County Division of Beh...
The County Board of Supervisors will provide $1 million through the 2021 TOT Grant Program to support nonprofit organizations located in Sacramento County that...
After years of work and multiple rounds of public review and comment, the final draft of the Sacramento County Climate Action Plan (CAP) has been released! Thi...
In observance of Labor Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 6.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
As Sacramento residents prepare for the final summer holiday of the year, Sacramento County’s Department of Regional Parks is encouraging visitors to stay safe...
Sacramento County’s Bradshaw Animal Shelter is participating in Clear the Shelters – a series of adoption events and adoption fee specials to alleviate the hig...
UPDATE: Dec. 17, 2024Campus Commons Golf Course is expected to re-open in March/April 2025. UPDATE: Feb. 5, 2024Campus Commons Golf Course wil...
When the flow of our lakes, streams and rivers begin to slow and the temperature of the recreational water rises, it creates the perfect condition for dangerous...
The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, in conjunction with Sacramento County Public Health, is advising residents to take precautions if...
The County Board of Supervisors will begin budget hearings on Wednesday, Sept. 8, at 9:30 a.m. in the Sacramento County Administration Building located at...
Each September, National Recovery Month takes place to increase awareness and educate people about how substance use and mental health services can help people...
The Sacramento County Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program has received a WIC Breastfeeding Gold Award of Excellence 2021 award from the U.S. Department of...
As the Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks maintenance crews wrap up their fire fuel reduction efforts and the goats and sheep finish their grazing,...
The Sacramento County Probation Department’s Youth Detention Facility (YDF) has received accreditation through the National Commission on Correctional Health Ca...
Following a Closed Session Board meeting today, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed to appoint Interim County Executive Ann Edwards a...
As COVID cases and hospitalizations continue to rise in the Sacramento region and across the state, increasing vaccination rates in our community remains the m...
Whether it’s traveling by plane to a vacation destination, receiving a package from a friend, or watching rockets blast off into space, aviation touches our liv...
The Sacramento County Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC) Subcommittee will host a Realignment Plan Community Workshop to present and encourage commun...
During the summer months, many shelters across the nation are jam-packed with kittens due to spring litters from unaltered cats in the community. Sacramento C...
It has come to the attention of the Sacramento County Department of Voter Registration and Elections that there are rumors circulating nationally and even inter...
Students are getting ready to go back to school, and whether it’s via distance learning or in person, it is important children and teens are up-to-date on their...
Sacramento County’s Bradshaw Animal Shelter intakes and cares for thousands of animals from the community all year round. This summer, they received an overwhel...
WHAT: Sacramento International Airport (SMF) and its partners will be hosting a job fair to fill multiple job openings. Those interested in participating ...
Registration is now open for an emergency broadband program that will help Medi-Cal members and other low-income residents receive up to $50 a month to cover th...
Healthy teeth not only help children eat, speak and sleep better, they also help them to perform better in school. With the beginning of the school year just a...
The Sacramento County Stormwater Quality Program is accepting applications for the 2021-22 Watershed Stewardship and Education Grant. Each year the Storm...
Due to the continued day-over-day case rate increases of COVID-19 from the highly infectious Delta variant, the Sacramento County Public Health Officer has iss...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on July 27 to adopt the 2021-2029 Housing Element brought forth by the Office of Planning and Envi...
This weekend as part of its “Life Looks Good on You” water safety campaign, the Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks is having a large mural painted o...
Every year, Sacramento County residents do their best to keep cool during the summer heat. Failing to keep cool in extreme temperatures can cause adverse health...
Do you really need a permit to install a water heater or build a patio cover? Can you get a permit online? Is there somebody you can speak to in person?The an...
Sacramento International Airport (SMF) is rebounding from the pandemic and it’s happening faster than originally expected. As of this week, the Transportation ...
The Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks acquired Dillard Ranch in 2018 through a trade agreement with Cosumnes Community Services District, and now t...
Due to the recent day-over-day case rate increases of COVID-19 from the highly infectious Delta variant, the Sacramento County Public Health Officer str...
Annual bills for Sacramento County unsecured personal property taxes for fiscal year 2021-2022 will be mailed on July 16, 2021, and are payable without delinque...
After an extensive nationwide search and recruitment, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors yesterday concurred with the Interim County Executive’s appoint...
After an 18-month hiatus, the BARC team is back at Sacramento International Airport (SMF). These special pups’ friendly faces and “Pet Me” vests are relieving t...
Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance (DHA) is activating its severe weather sheltering program beginning Friday, July 9 and continuing through Monda...
Summertime is swimming time. As families enjoy gatherings and newly-opened swimming pools, Sacramento County Public Health reminds parents and caregivers to pra...
In the weeks leading up to the 4th of July, Sacramento County’s Bradshaw Animal Shelter began working on a very important project, finding volunteers to help ...
In observance of Independence Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, July 5.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will cont...
Imagine your ideal outdoor experience. Maybe you want to hike among towering Redwoods or paddleboard on clear blue waters or go back in time to the California G...
Sacramento County wants to remind residents to add safety measures to their Independence Day activities to ensure that these celebrations remain fun. Whether yo...
Sacramento County Planning and Environmental Review (PER) staff are hard at work on the final draft of the Communitywide Climate Action Plan (CAP), which aims t...
As the weather heats back up it’s important for everyone to have a plan for staying cool and hydrated. It is especially important for those who may be extra sus...
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will award $8 billion in grants to U.S. airports to keep workers employed, enabl...
Currently, the County has more than 8,000 uncashed checks, totaling more than $2.6 million. How does this happen and could this be your unclaimed money? ...
The Office of Planning and Environmental Review (PER) will resume public counter service on a limited basis beginning Tuesday, June 22. These in-person meetings...
Sacramento County invites residents, businesses, special districts and community organizations to provide feedback on community needs that have developed as a r...
The Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance (DHA) must close one of its cooling centers.The air conditioning unit at the cooling center at 1725 28th ...
Fire season has started early this year, and the Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks has a multi-pronged plan to reduce fire risk, defend wildlife h...
Sacramento County Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) honors fathers who set a good example and support the well-being and stability of their children....
The public is invited to attend one of two virtual workshops about the Sacramento County redistricting process. These workshops will also provide an overv...
With Independence Day just around the corner, COVID restrictions rolling back and anticipated parties, please remember to know the risks of fireworks, only use...
UPDATE JUNE 28: The cooling center at Watt Avenue is closing June 28-29 due to a malfunctioning air conditioning unit.UPDATE: Due to continuing high t...
Last week, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance establishing the Sacramento County Behavioral Health Youth Advisory Board (YAB); th...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on June 10 to approve the $6.5 billion recommended budget for Fiscal Year 2021-22.“We are fortun...
Sacramento County invites residents, businesses, special districts and community organizations to provide feedback on community needs that have developed a...
The Sacramento County Department of Airports is excited to share Southwest Airlines’ announcement today for plans to launch nonstop service between SMF and both...
In late February 2021, the Sacramento County Department of Finance began accepting applications for the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) program. Through the CR...
As the weather heats up in Sacramento County, residents will be heading to the water to cool off. Whether it’s a public swimming pool, water park, or our lak...
Brave, dedicated, willing and reliable - these words describe the 80,000 licensed or certified Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers in California. They de...
Sacramento Medical Reserve Corp (SMRC) volunteers continue to be ready to answer your questions about COVID-19. In April 2020, Sacramento County Public H...
For the first time since indoor gatherings were prohibited by County and state public health orders, the Sacramento County Board Chambers will be open to public...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will hold its first public hearing about redistricting at 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 8. The meeting will be live str...
Starting June 1, California Women, Infants and Children (WIC) families will now see a temporary increase in their monthly WIC fruits and vegetables benefit to ...
Sacramento County’s Inspector General, Mark Evenson, has released the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) 2020 annual report. The report is available for p...
The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended Budget...
Today, a new June 1, 2021 Sacramento County Health Order has been released that reflects the corresponding announcement by CDPH that Sacramento County has imme...
Sacramento County Public Health reminds you to take steps to keep cool as the temperatures begin to climb. With these seasonably high temperatures expe...
Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance (DHA) is activating its severe weather sheltering program ahead of extreme heat forecasted for this weekend....
An estimated 2.4 million people are living with hepatitis C in the United States. However, many don’t know they are infected because chronic hepatitis C d...
In observance of Memorial Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, May 31.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will continue....
Memorial Day is right around the corner which means the beginning of the summer recreation season is upon us. Sacramento County’s Department of Regional Parks w...
As California opens up and people begin to travel again, things may look a little different at the Sacramento International Airport (SMF). “We’re very exci...
Sacramento County Public Health launched new mobile vaccination trailers that will host pop-up clinics throughout the County in the coming weeks, specifically t...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on May 18 to implement “Laura’s Law” - state legislation authorizing the courts to order outpatie...
The process for re-drawing boundary lines for each of the five supervisorial districts in Sacramento County has begun.What is Redistricting?Every ten years, fol...
It’s not uncommon for anyone traveling through Sacramento International Airport (SMF) to see a military aircraft, from nearby Air Force bases, operating on our ...
Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) reopened online applications for the Sacramento Emergency Rental Assistance (SERA2) program beginning Tuesday...
Terminal A at the Sacramento International Airport is now home to a brand new gate.Gate A13 was available for use on March 18 and is part of the Terminal A Mo...
June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, a reminder to take action to raise awareness toward prevention and learn about how Sacramento County Adult Protectiv...
Sacramento County’s Bradshaw Animal Shelter intakes thousands of pets in the community each year. Most of these pets are reunited with their owners or are able ...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on May 4 accepted almost $60 million in state funding to improve and expand the epidemiology and laboratory capacity ...
Sacramento County in partnership with the Rancho Cordova Police Department (RCPD) announces during May is Mental Health Month that a new Mobile Crisis Support T...
Sacramento County, like so many others, has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as heightened discussions and awareness around social...
Sacramento County Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) honors mothers who set a good example and support the well-being and stability of their children.&...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously approved the resolution for the formation of a Community Review Commission that will work with...
The Board of Supervisors at its May 4 meeting concurred with the Interim County Executive’s appointment of Chevon Kothari as Director of Health Services, effe...
Sacramento County, along with eight other California counties, have recently been awarded a combined $15.7 million in grants under the Investment in Mental Heal...
The ninth annual Big Day of Giving is right around the corner, and Sacramento area residents are encouraged to come together for the 24-hour online giving chall...
The Sacramento County Department of Child, Family and Adult Services; local law enforcement agencies; and the District Attorney’s Office have been working col...
The pandemic has created an economic impact across our nation over the last year. In our Sacramento region, the food and beverage industry is no exception...
The Sacramento COVID-19 Homelessness Response Team (Team), comprised of the County of Sacramento, City of Sacramento and Sacramento Steps Forward (SSF), has bee...
Sacramento County encourages everyone to go through their medicine cabinets to discard unused/expired medications properly. Helping people dispose of potentiall...
To honor National Child Abuse Prevention Month, Sacramento County Child Protective Services staff “planted” more than 350 silver and blue pinwheels at the CPS o...
The Board of Supervisors, at its April 20 meeting, concurred with the Interim County Executive’s appointment of Amanda Thomas as Chief Fiscal Officer effective ...
Thursday, April 22 is the 51st anniversary of Earth Day, a day to reflect on the need to protect our natural environment. For the Sacramento County Department o...
We can all do our part to prevent alcohol misuse or abuse. April is Alcohol Awareness Month and we can use this month to raise awareness about alcohol abuse and...
Today, a new Sacramento County Health Order has been released that reflects the changes and the alignment with the State of California restrictions and guidanc...
Three common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)—chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis—are surging across the United States, according to the Centers for Disease ...
To hold animal abusers accountable, the Sacramento County District Attorney’s office launched an Animal Cruelty Task Force in our region in January 2018. Since...
For families who have children and teens (up to age 21) who are struggling at home, school or in the community due to emotional and behavioral difficulties, Sac...
April 8 Update: The Department of Health Services, Behavioral Health is holding a community engagement session on April 19 at 4:00 p.m., where the commu...
Climate change is expected to bring hotter summers and more extreme heat events, the risk of wildfires, unpredictable rainfall and with it, drought and flooding...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors will hold a Budget Study Session at 5 p.m., Wednesday, April 14. Staff from the Office of Budget and Debt Manag...
This past year has shown us: Public health is critical. That’s why Sacramento County Public Health is excited to be a part of this year’s National Public He...
The Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks is excited to welcome back youth sports and recreation, and they have multiple locations available to host yo...
The Board of Supervisors today unanimously voted in support of a resolution that condemns and will combat racism, xenophobia, and intolerance against people in...
Kiefer Landfill will be able to accept treated wood waste effective Monday, April 5.Treated wood, or pressure-treated wood, has been treated with a chemic...
Animal shelters around the country are gearing up for what is known as “kitten season,” when cats begin to give birth to countless kitten litters. Typically beg...
Starting April 1, Sacramento County Public Health has updated the eligibility for COVID-19 vaccinations to those 50 years old and older who live in Sacra...
Sacramento County is helping celebrate this year’s Social Work Month with the theme “Social Workers are Essential” to highlight the priceless contributions soc...
Many parkway visitors have noticed a dense fern covering much of the pond at Sailor Bar this year. This floating fern is in the genus Azolla, often called mosqu...
Got a room or a home you want to list, or are listing, on Airbnb or a related service? Sacramento County would like to remind homeowners that prior to accepting...
In observance of César Chávez Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Wednesday, March 31.Garbage service, as well as all emergency services will ...
Teenagers and scientists across the United States are taking part in “National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®” March 22-28, 2021. The weeklong health observance ...
The deadline for paying the second installment of your 2020-2021 Sacramento County property taxes is coming up very soon. Payments are due no later than April 1...
Sacramento County Public Health has run the drive-through vaccination site at Cal Expo since December. Starting the week of March 22, the County will begin tra...
The Sacramento County Department of Regional Parks is pleased to announce that the public draft of the Natural Resources Management Plan (NRMP) for the American...
Got rodents? The Sacramento County Bradshaw Animal Shelter can help! As warmer weather approaches, both rural and urban residential homes may see an increa...
Laura Hess, a recently retired Primary Care Nurse Practitioner has had a busy year. When the pandemic hit hard in March, Laura wanted to find a way to contrib...
Today, the State announced that Sacramento County is allowed to move from the most restrictive Purple/Widespread Tier 1 to the less restrictive tier of Red/Sub...
The State of California has made adjustments to a business sector in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. To align with the changes, Sacramento County Public Hea...
Sacramento County’s draft Communitywide Climate Action Plan (CAP), which addresses greenhouse gas reductions and climate change adaptation, is now available for...
On March 10, 2021, Sacramento County Public Health issued an updated health order to account for a recent change by the California Department of Public Health (...
Every year traffickers use trains, buses, planes and ships to transport thousands of victims, hiding them in plain sight while traveling to destinations around ...
With the weather beginning to warm up and spring on the horizon, now is a great time to get out and explore your local Regional Parks. To help inspire residents...
As destinations begin to open up, Sacramento International Airport (SMF) is announcing several new nonstop flights to make weekend getaways and Spring Break tr...
Just like you wear a mask to protect others from getting COVID-19, it is vitally important that we vaccinate those at highest risk for severe infection or to p...
The First 5 Sacramento Commission unanimously approved more than $40 million in funding for contracts that will begin July 2021. Funding over a three-year perio...
For individuals living with disabilities, recreation opportunities may not be easy to come by. That’s where the Therapeutic Recreation Services (TRS) Division ...
A partnership between the Sacramento County Department of Waste Management and Recycling Department and Will Rogers Middle School is giving new life to discarde...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved today to apply for and accept COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act funding totaling $64,102,830 from state and...
Taking care of your children’s teeth is important! Sacramento County Public Health would like to remind parents about dental coverage options and resources tha...
The Sacramento County Probation Department in conjunction with the newly established Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC) Subcommittee, will host a Divi...
WHAT: Sacramento County’s Department of Regional Parks, in partnership with the Save the American River Association (SARA) and Waste Management, is kicking...
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in the United States. Stress, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol ...
Sacramento County’s very own Ancil Hoffman Golf Course, which is owned by the Department of Regional Parks and operated in partnership with CourseCo, was recent...
Did you know a single unaltered cat and her offspring can produce more than 400,000 cats in their lifetime? Over time, this creates a massive burden and impact ...
While many celebrate the holidays surrounded by loved ones and gifts, it is important to remember those who may be without, including local foster children, d...
For the first time in 16 years, Sacramento County’s Third District has a new supervisor.Supervisor Rich Desmond was sworn in at the Jan. 11 Board meeting. Desmo...
In observance of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Friday, Feb. 12, and Monday, Feb. 15.Sacrame...
The Feb. 1 meeting of the First 5 Sacramento Commission was a historic one, resulting in unanimous approval for a Resolution on Racial Equity and Social Justice...
On Feb. 6, the State of California updated its Blueprint for a Safer Economy tier structure purple tier criteria to allow indoor operations for places of worsh...
A rate increase will take effect March 1 for residents of the unincorporated county who receive curbside garbage, recycling, and green waste service. ...
Acting County Executive Ann Edwards today signed a Proclamation of Local State of Emergency for Winter Storms. The proclamation is retroactive to Jan. 26...
Sometimes good things really do come to those who wait. Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputy Ian D’Cuhna has been involved with the Sheriff’s K9 program...
Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services worked with the community in 2020 to seek input on alternatives to calling 9-1-1 in a behavioral health or quality ...
Sacramento County is in the midst of a challenge it has not seen before. Between severe weather events, a continued public health pandemic and housing instabili...
Public Budget Workshop Presentation: Overview of the County Budget and Budget ProcessMembers of the public are invited to a Sacramento County Budget Wo...
This past December, a routine storm drain clearing led to an inter-departmental collaboration to identify the remains of a missing local man. On Dec. 8, 20...
On Jan. 25, the State of California announced that all regions are permitted to exit the State’s Regional Stay at Home Order with a four-week ICU availability...
In November 2018, Sacramento County was awarded a $100,000 strategic giving grant from Health Net of California. The purpose of this grant was to design trainin...
The Sacramento County Regional Parks Rangers are the law enforcement division of Regional Parks, and while they work hard to keep County parks and park visitor...
County staff is hard at work on a Communitywide Climate Action Plan (CAP) that aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare the county for...
In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, most Sacramento County offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 18.Sacramento County emergency services, as well as ...
Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH) continues to create and refine its vaccine rollout action plan as conditions evolve. Currently, SCPH is vaccinating iden...
On Jan. 12, the State of California announced that the Greater Sacramento region is permitted to exit the State’s Regional Stay at Home Order with a four-week...
The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors has unanimously approved a rate increase that will increase the cost of residential garbage, recycling and green was...
The annual vote to elect a new Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Supervisors was held Tuesday, Jan. 11. This year’s elected Chair is Supervisor Sue Frost of...
The Sacramento County Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) will host the first Assembly Bill 109 Public Safety Realignment Community Workshop (CCP Communi...
Do you want a happy start to your new year? Why not adopt your new best friend or family member from the Bradshaw Animal Shelter? Adoptions are only $50, and t...