The Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance (DHA) must close one of its cooling centers.
The air conditioning unit at the cooling center at 1725 28th Street, Sacramento is broken and cannot be repaired earlier than Monday, June 21. The following DHA service centers are open until 8 p.m. this evening and Saturday and Sunday, 2-8 p.m.:
The 28th Street cooling center had one guest on Wednesday, June 16; three guests Thursday, June 17; and two guests on Friday, June 18.
Face coverings are required at all cooling centers and will be provided to visitors who do not have them. Pets must be on a leash or contained in an animal carrier at all times.
Countywide cooling center information will be current and updated day to day on the
2-1-1 website.
DHA issued motel vouchers beginning Tuesday to highly vulnerable unsheltered persons. The respite shelter program will remain active through July 1.
Participants in the weather respite sheltering program will work with their referring party on transportation to and from the motel and are allowed to bring partners, pets and possessions with them for the duration of their stay. Capacity will depend on motel room availability at the County’s partner motels.