Sacramento County Planning and Environmental Review (PER) staff are hard at work on the final draft of the Communitywide Climate Action Plan (CAP), which aims to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare the County for climate-related impacts for decades to come.
Climate change is expected to affect the region in a variety of ways: hotter temperatures and more extreme heat events; increased wildfire risks; unpredictable rainfall and flooding; reduced snowpack and impacts to the water supply, among others.
The CAP will serve as a policy and technical document that will be used to update other plans and codes – such as the Sacramento County General Plan and County Building Codes – to help the County reach greenhouse gas reduction targets.
“The Climate Action Plan is an extremely important project so we are really taking our time and listening to our residents and the experts to make sure that we get it right,” said Todd Smith, Principal Planner. “Our goal is to have an implementable communitywide plan that reduces Sacramento County’s contributions to climate change while addressing its impacts.”
Following public review, PER staff hopes to get the CAP before the Board of Supervisors for approval in late fall 2021.