The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-20
has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended Budget at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 11 in the Board Chambers at the Sacramento County Administration Building, located at 700 H Street.
Members of the public may attend the hearings and be heard on any item in the budget. The budget hearings will also be telecast live on
Metro Cable 14 and
on the web.
The hearings will continue beginning at 9:30 a.m. through June 12 and June 13, if necessary.
The $4.4 billion spending plan reflects a 2.4% increase compared to last year’s budget. Some expenditure reductions were necessary in several General Fund departments and programs, but the recommended budget maintains the critical services to County residents, implements strategic initiatives and expands some services through increased federal and state revenues and fees.
The spending plan details specific spending on the services Sacramento County provides, including Airports, Family and Adult Services, Health Services, Human Assistance, Regional Parks, Sheriff, Solid Waste and Transportation, among others.
The budget letter and a complete set of budget documents
may be found online and at the Office of the County Executive, 700 H Street, Room 7650. The recommended budget is a preliminary spending plan; the final budget will be presented to the Board in September for approval.