Each year, Sacramento County employees participate in an employee-organized fundraising campaign to support local and global nonprofit organizations. To report on the success of the 2019 Employee Giving Campaign (EGC), the Campaign’s Chair and Sacramento County Chief Probation Officer, Lee Seale, presented the results on Jan. 28 to the Board of Supervisors.
The theme of the campaign, “Sacramento County Working Together to Create Change,” highlights the generosity and concerns that employees show when they support the causes that improve the quality of life in their local communities and the world around them.
Employees showed their support by planning numerous departmental fundraising activities throughout the County and organizing and/or participating in the Annual Golf Tournament event at Ancil Hoffman Golf Course and the Annual 5k Run/Walk event at Discovery Park.
The participating federations of charitable organizations represented in the 2019 EGC were community Health Charities, Global Impact, America’s Best Local Charities, America’s Charities and United Way California Capital Region.
The grand total of the 2019 donations came to $234,984.
2019 EGC Committee Members:
Chair, Lee Seale, Probation
- Loaned Executive: Angelina Bryant, Lynsey Semon and Peggy Hower
Co-Chair, Doug Sloan, Waste Management
- Loaned Executives: Melissa McGoldrick
Co-Chair, Dave Dickinson, Animal Care and Regulation
- Loaned Executive: Vita Tsymbal
E-Pledge Support, Catherine Kramer, Department of Technology
Sacramento County Departments with the highest donations:
- 1-99 Employees – County Counsel; County Clerk/Recorder
- 100-299 Employees – Public Defender; Transportation
- 300+ Employees – Sheriff; Human Assistance