The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously yesterday to approve the selection of a new Inspector General for Sacramento County and for the County Executive to begin contract negotiations for Mark Evenson to serve in that position.
“Following a nationwide search, I’m pleased to say that we have identified a qualified candidate,” said Board Chair and District Two Supervisor Patrick Kennedy. “We look forward to welcoming Mark Evenson in his role as Inspector General and his work in providing good oversight and accountability.”
The Office of Inspector General was created to facilitate the Board of Supervisors’ responsibility to oversee without interfering with the Sheriff’s investigative or personnel deployment functions.
The Inspector General ensures the integrity of the citizen complaint process and the thoroughness and fairness of related Sheriff’s Department investigations, while fostering positive relations with the community. The Inspector General works independently on items detailed in the scope of services. In addition, the Inspector General may investigate other non-personnel matters as requested by the County Executive or a majority of the Board of Supervisors. The Inspector General will present recommendations relating to these examinations to the Board of Supervisors, County Executive and the Sheriff.
Evenson is an experienced police executive with 32 years of law enforcement experience. Of those years, 20 were in middle and senior management levels, and 10 years were as Chief of Police for the City of Brentwood.
Additionally, Evenson has extensive experience as an Internal Affairs investigator, a commander and has demonstrated leadership success in police accountability, citizen complaint investigations and community/police relations.
The Office of the Inspector General is a contract position. A start date for the Inspector General will be announced when contract negotiations are complete and there is a signed contract.