The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-23 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended Budget at 2 p.m., Wednesday, June 8, in Board Chambers at the Sacramento County Administration building, located at 700 H Street in Sacramento.
Members of the public may attend the hearings and be heard on any items in the budget, either publicly, over the phone or through written comments. The budget hearings will also be telecast live on Metro Cable 14 and on the County's website.
The hearings will continue beginning at 9:30 a.m. through June 9 and June 10, if necessary.
The $7.3 billion spending plan is a 5.7% increase compared to the FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget. Of the total $7.3 billion budgeted, $2.8 billion is in Enterprise and Special Revenue Fund appropriations (utility rates, fees and other dedicated revenue), $3.5 billion is in General Fund appropriations ($936 million in discretionary resources, $1.1 billion in restricted funds, and the remaining $1.4 billion with Federal, State and fee revenue dedicated to specific purposes), and $1.1 billion is in Restricted Funds.
The spending plan for the use of General Fund discretionary resources was based on Board-adopted priorities gleaned from the budget priority survey results of adult residents in Sacramento County. Those priorities are:
- Complying with the County’s legal, financial, regulatory and policy obligations;
- Maintaining existing service levels budgeted for County programs and improving effectiveness and efficiency where possible; and
- Funding new or enhanced programs that focus on the most critical and urgent needs according to County residents surveyed, with priority focus areas being addressing homelessness and its impacts and improving the condition of streets and roads in the unincorporated County.
The Recommended Budget’s significant new or enhanced programs include:
Mays Consent Decree – $15 million in Net County Cost included in the Recommended Budget in the Sheriff and Correctional Health budget units to fund continued efforts to meet the County’s obligations under the Mays consent decree regarding conditions of confinement in the County’s jails.
Addressing Homelessness - $5.3 million ($4.8 million Net County Cost) to fund new programs and services addressing homelessness in the County, including expanded shelter staffing, additional scattered site shelters, weather respite services, additional behavioral health staffing for encampment teams, funding to the Department of Transportation for encampment mitigation, funding for sustainable preventative maintenance services at Mather Community Campus, and additional staffing to support homelessness initiatives.
Road Pavement Rehabilitation Projects – $20 million in one-time Net County Cost transferred from the General Fund to the Roads Fund to fund pavement maintenance and rehabilitation on roads throughout the unincorporated County.
Substance Use Disorder Residential Treatment - $10 million ($5 million Net County Cost) for the Department of Health Services to procure an additional 156 beds annually for substance use disorder residential treatment.
Crisis Stabilization Units - $5 million ($2.5 million Net County Cost) for the Department of Health Services to establish a pool for behavioral health crisis stabilization units, which is a service the County is required to provide to Medi-Cal beneficiaries.
Mental Health Services Act Full Service Partnership - $7.5 million in MHSA and Federal match for the Department of Health Services to procure Full Service Partnership programming as a requirement in fulfilling permanent supportive housing commitments.
School-Based Mental Health Program - $4.3 million of Medi-Cal funding for the Department of Health Services to provide increased support to the school-based mental health program, with a planned site expansion to 40 sites.
Public Defender - $5.0 million ($4.2 million Net County Cost) to support programs in the Public Defender’s office, including funding for additional staff and services to meet the office’s existing caseload requirements, expanding the pre-trial support program and felony mental health diversion program, adding staff positions to support increased workload in the collaborative courts program, and implementing an electronic case management system.
Child, Family and Adult Services - $19.1 million ($6.0 million Net County Cost) to support Child Family and Adult Services’ programs, including $5.4 million ($3.8 million NCC) to provide enhanced security services at the Centralized Placement Support Unit.
Afghan Refugee Assistance - $3 million in Net County Cost for the Department of Human Assistance to provide services to support new Afghan arrivals in adjusting to their new environment.
Scheduled presentations to be heard:
- In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority Budget
- Public Comment on IHSS Public Authority Budget
- Board Deliberation/Approval of IHSS Public Authority Budget
- Introduction by County Executive of Recommended Budget
- Health Services
- Homeless Initiatives
- County Road Pavement Rehabilitation
- Public Comment on Recommended Budget
- Board Deliberation/Approval of Recommended Budget
- Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
- Public Comment on CIP
- Board Deliberation/Approval of CIP
The budget letter and a complete set of budget documents may be found online and at the County Executive’s Office, 700 H Street, Room 7650. The Recommended Budget is a preliminary spending plan; the Final Budget will be presented to the Board in September for approval.
For more information about the County budget, including the budget process/timeline, key budget terms/glossary, the Budget Explorer Tool and more, visit the Sacramento County Office of Budget and Debt Management website.