The Sacramento County Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 has been released. The Board of Supervisors will begin hearings on the Recommended Budget at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, June 5, in Board Chambers at the Sacramento County Administration building, located at 700 H Street in Sacramento.
The public is invited to attend the hearings and be heard on any items in the budget, either publicly or through written comments. Budget hearings will also be telecast live on Metro Cable 14 and the County’s website.
The hearings will continue beginning at 9:30 a.m. through June 6 and 7, if necessary.
This year’s $8.8 billion spending plan is an increase of 6.9% compared to the FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget. Of the total $8.8 billion budgeted:
- $3.5 billion is in Enterprise and Special Revenue Fund appropriations (utility rates, fees and other dedicated revenue)
- $3.8 billion is in General Fund appropriations (funded with $990 million in discretionary resources, $1.5 billion in reimbursements from restricted funds, and the remaining $1.3 billion in Federal, State and fee revenue dedicated to specific purposes)
- $1.5 billion in Restricted Funds
The Board’s budget priorities, based on the budget priority survey results of adult residents in Sacramento County, for the uses of General Fund discretionary resources are:
- Complying with the County’s legal, financial, regulatory and policy obligations
- Optimizing the use of County resources, with budgeted service levels for County programs informed by community priorities, improving effectiveness and efficiency where possible, and limiting the extent to which reductions in dedicated revenue are backfilled with discretionary resources
- Funding new or enhanced programs that focus on the most critical and urgent needs, with the priority focus areas being 1) addressing homelessness and its impacts and 2) improving the condition of streets and roads in the unincorporated County
The Recommended Budget’s most significant new or enhanced programs include:
Health Services increased by $28.4 million for increased acute psychiatric inpatient costs, Behavioral Health Bridge Housing funding, increased capacity and services at Permanent Supportive Housing units, and behavioral health services at the Youth Detention Facility.
Child, Family and Adult Services increased by $5.7 million ($4.5 million Net County Cost) for Child Protective Services welcome and assessment center services and family resource center court-mandated parenting workshops.
Human Assistance increased by $4.2 million ($100,000 Net County Cost) for childcare payments for CalWORKs participants and funding for a position in the County Veterans Services Office.
Sheriff increased by $3.9 million ($1.2 million Net County Cost) for a mobile command vehicle, required software expenditures and required body worn camera licenses and equipment.
Correctional Health Services increased by $3.4 million ($300,000 Net County Cost) for a Medication Assisted Treatment Program, additional pharmacy positions (both of which support the County’s obligations under the Mays Consent Decree Remedial Plan) and a new electronic health record system.
Community Development increased by $1.2 million ($1 million Net County Cost) to support the Infill Acceleration Program, the Climate Action Plan, and two Planning Technician positions.
Homeless Services and Housing increased by $1 million (before reimbursements) to fund beds at a planned Safe Stay Community and three new positions and services supporting administration for the department.
This year’s budget reflects the County’s need to address a reduction in available one-time resources that had previously funded ongoing expenditures. This year, these reductions total $6 million, which will result in the deletion of 31 vacant full-time equivalent (FTE) positions as well as other budget reductions across several departments. No filled positions were recommended for deletion.
The Recommended Budget’s most significant reductions include:
Health Services reduced by $2.2 million including consulting contracts, operational supplies and the deletion of 14 FTE positions.
Child, Family and Adult Services reduced by $1.8 million, including the deletion of 16 vacant FTE positions.
The Recommended Budget is a preliminary spending plan; the Revised Recommended Budget will be presented to the Board in September for deliberation and adoption.