The hearings will continue beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Sep. 10 and Sep. 11, if necessary.
Given the uncertainties around the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on County revenues and cost increases, the FY2020-21 Recommended Budget approved on June 16 was a placeholder budget that rolled over the FY2019-20 Adopted Budget.
This FY2020-21 Revised Recommended Budget reflects the results of the County’s efforts over the last three months to refine the estimates of the pandemic and resulting recession on the County’s revenues and expenditures, what additional federal or State relief might be available and work with departments to develop plans for anticipated revenue reductions.
The Revised Recommended General Fund budget accounted for the County’s $170 million revenue loss with one-time State and federal funding, allowing the County to continue to provide critical services without program/service cuts. However, the long-term outlook for future fiscal years, barring dramatic economic improvement and/or a significant amount of additional federal and State relief, is problematic.
The one-time funding allowed the County to provide:
- $89.1 million for the County’s continued response to COVID-19
- $57.7 million in salary and benefit costs as agreed to in various labor agreements
The budget also includes $2.1 million for the first phase of a plan to provide body cameras for all Sheriff’s Deputies. This phase provides cameras for all patrol deputies, certain special unit deputies and park rangers. A second phase will be proposed in the FY2021-22 budget that will include other deputies, including those providing court security and working in the jails.
Members of the public may be heard on any item in the budget. The budget hearings will be telecast live on
Metro Cable 14 and
on the web.
“It is encouraging to see growing public interest in Sacramento County’s budget” said First District Supervisor and Chairman of the Board Phil Serna. “It’s why I’m using my prerogative as chairman to start our budget deliberations – including public testimony – at 5 PM so that we can accommodate those who wish to participate but who might otherwise be unable due to work or school schedules” he continued. Board meetings typically begin at 9:30 a.m.
To make a verbal public comment, dial the Public Comment Phone Line at (916) 875-2500. The phone line will be open 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. To make a written comment, send an email to
The budget letter and a complete set of budget documents
may be found online and at the Office of the County Executive, 700 H Street, Room 7650.