The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously yesterday to revise the Approved Budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year.
- $68 million in General Fund appropriations
- $272 million in other funds:
- $249 million base budget changes resulting primarily from re-budgeting of capital projects and other contractual expenditures
- $23 million in non-General Fund growth
The following prioritized General Fund growth identified in June is funded in the Revised Recommended Budget:
- $20 million General Fund contribution to the Roads Fund for roadway rehabilitation and maintenance
- Approximately $300,000 for upgrades to the County’s Emergency Operations Center
- Approximately $17,000 to reallocate a position within Animal Care Services
Additional recommended growth in the Revised Recommended Budget included:
- $900,000 to the Sheriff’s Office to fund four Deputy Sheriff positions responsible for escorting inmates and medial staff to health appointments in compliance with the Mays consent decree
- $200,000 to Probation to restore one full-time equivalent position to maintain service levels in Treatment Courts, in compliance with the Mays consent decree
- $500,000 to restore positions in Probation and the Public Defenders office to maintain service levels associated with SB 823 Juvenile Justice Realignment
- $400,000 to Human Assistance to fund the County’s required cost of the California Statewide Automated Welfare System (CalSAWS)
The Board of Supervisors approved the following growth during the hearings:
- $62,500 to Human Assistance to fund CalFresh operations at the Florin Certified Farmers’ Market
The Board is scheduled to formally adopt the Budget Recommended for Adoption on Sept. 24.