Have you completed the 2020 U.S. Census? If not, you may have received a postcard last week from the U.S. Census Bureau inviting you to do so. If you live in a low-response neighborhood, you may also get an email from the Census Bureau with a link to the website. The Census Bureau is making one last push to get everyone to respond before census walkers visit homes to make sure everyone is counted.
Completing the census at home has never been easier. You can complete the census 3 ways:
- Online by visiting the 2020 Census website
- By phone by calling 1-844-330-2020. Help is available in 13 languages.
- By mail by completing the paper questionnaire and dropping it in a mailbox. Postage is pre-paid.
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, everyone has had to pivot – including the U.S. Census Bureau. The 2020 census has been extended until Oct. 31 (three months later than the usual deadline in July). Beginning Aug. 11, the U.S. Census Bureau will send census takers, also known as enumerators, into communities to knock on doors and encourage those who have not filled out their census forms to do so.
Census takers will have official identification and will follow public health guidance for maintaining physical distancing and wearing a mask.
It is important that everyone is counted in the census. Newborns, toddlers, students, adults and seniors —everyone living in your household even if they are not immediate family members.
Everyone needs to be counted so our cities and county receive their fair share of federal funding. For every person not counted, our community loses $10,000 in federal funding for critical programs like low-income school breakfasts & lunches, preschool education, Meals on Wheels, SNAP-Cal Fresh benefits, schools, shelters, emergency services, health clinics and more. Sacramento County alone receives over half a billion dollars annually for important community services. Complete the census today and avoid having someone come to your door!