As Sacramento County has been allowed to move further into the State’s less restrictive Red Tier 2 (substantial), the Sacramento County Health Order has been amended, effective October 13, at 3 p.m., from its previous Health Order on September 29.
Primary updates to the Oct. 13 Sacramento County Health Order:
This order supersedes the August 28, 2020 School Closure Order due to the County meeting the school in-person learning criteria for continuing to maintain daily case counts and positivity rates in the Red Tier 2 for two consecutive weeks.
All school grade levels in Sacramento County are permitted to conduct in-person instruction (regardless of a granted waiver from Sacramento County Public Health) with required mitigation measures maintained (social distancing, face coverings and sanitization) in compliance with schools guidance from California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the guidance from Sacramento County Public Health.
To align with the CDPH guidance for private gatherings issued on Oct. 9, Sacramento County Public Health continues to discourage social gatherings of non-household members. However, people who choose to attend gatherings should limit the size to the same members from no more than three different households:
- Gatherings should only be outdoors and less than two hours
- Don’t gather if you feel sick or in a high-risk group
- Account for those in attendance for contact tracing if needed
- Anyone who develops COVID-19 within 48 hours of a gathering should notify other attendees to get tested
- Practice social distancing measures (6ft distancing, good hand hygiene, wear face coverings properly)
- Limit activities that cause respiratory droplets to increase and be released into the air (singing, shouting, playing “wind” musical instruments)
For details, review the 10/13/2020 Public Health Order, and for questions about the Order, call the Public Health hotline, (916) 875-2400.
Learn more about the County’s response to COVID-19, by visiting Sacramento County’s COVID-19 webpage.
Also, visit the State of California's COVID-19 Blueprint for a Safer Economy website to find out about the State’s Tier system and the allowable reopening activities for Sacramento County.