Drought Status and Statewide Emergency Drought Regulations California is entering its fourth year of continued drought; the most critical drought on record. The impacts are being felt statewide as well as in Sacramento County. Never before has it been more important for each and every County resident to do all they can to conserve water.
Read more information.
Water conservation is a high priority for the Sacramento County organization. Sacramento County conserves water every day in and around County buildings and on County properties.
Because drought conditions are ongoing, we will continue to increase efforts to conserve water, and encourage you to do the same. The Governor issued an executive order mandating a 25 percent statewide water use reduction and we are committed to doing our part to achieve this reduction.
How You Can Help:
Because there are 27 different water purveyors in our region with different water reduction targets and restrictions, the first thing to do is
Find Your Water Purveyor. Review their website or call them directly to learn your watering days, times and any other restrictions your purveyor may impose and suggested best practices.
Report Water Waste:
Please contact your water purveyor to report water waste in your area, or if you spot waste in the community, call 311.
- Install high efficiency washing machines and low flow toilets—check your water purveyor’s website for rebate opportunities
- Running washing machines and dishwashers only when full
- Installing aerators on faucets and using low-flow shower heads to cut down on excess water flow
- Checking toilets, faucets and valves for any leaks
- Turning sprinklers off in the winter
- Following your water purveyors irrigation schedule
- Watering landscape between 8 pm and 6 am when evaporation is lowest
- Shutting off water while brushing teeth or shaving
- Reducing shower times to 5 minutes and avoiding baths--which can use up to 70 gallons of water
What Sacramento County is Doing:
Sacramento County has been working steadily to reduce the amount of water used in our operations, from reducing landscape irrigation, to installing low-use plumbing fixtures, and to reducing watering of our parks. We will continue to conserve and manage water through innovative measures and program adjustments. Read more about how Sacramento County saves water.