Sacramento County is working with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) and a panel of land use and urban planning experts from the U.S. and Canada representing the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to accelerate infill development, which will help to accommodate population growth while achieving greenhouse gas reduction and economic-development goals in the region.
The goal of this partnership is to create higher-density housing in appropriate areas, which will spur revitalization and help improve affordability. This effort is important because development economics in the region are making it difficult for the private sector to build the estimated 7,000 infill housing units needed per year. Those challenges are exacerbated outside of the region’s core.
In response, SACOG has developed the
Green Means Go program to catalyze residential development in locally designated areas known as Green Zones that can accommodate infill development, including central Folsom and the North Watt Ave. corridor.
This week, ULI is visiting the Sacramento area to develop recommendations for accelerating infill residential and mixed-use development in Folsom’s Central Business District and Sacramento County’s North Watt Ave. corridor.
The ULI Advisory Services Panel also will develop recommendations to assist SACOG in allocating up to $40 million in state planning and infrastructure funding to expedite housing production in Green Zones, including central Folsom and the North Watt Ave. corridor, which have the capacity for infill development and a high potential for reducing vehicle travel.