September is National Preparedness Month and the
Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services (SacOES) would like to remind residents about the importance of being prepared for the various disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time.
The theme of the 2022 National Preparedness Month is “A Lasting Legacy,” highlighting the fact that the life you’ve built is worth protecting, and you should prepare for disasters to create a lasting legacy for yourself and your family.
“National Preparedness Month is a great time to talk with your loved ones about the types of disasters and emergencies we might face, and start making a plan to prepare for these different scenarios,” said Mary Jo Flynn-Nevins, Sacramento County Chief of Emergency Services. “You can set yourself up for success by preparing for disasters before they happen.”
A few important things to consider during an emergency:
Think about kids: Prepare your kids for disasters and emergencies. Take time to make a plan and have conversations about preparedness. Help them know how to stay safe and navigate potentially scary situations.
Think about your emergency kit: An emergency kit should have everything you need to survive for several days. Keeping your kit stocked with necessities like food water, and medical care can make the difference in the face of a disaster. Consider unique needs of your family. Include supplies that might be needed by pets, older adults, and those with disabilities in the event of an emergency.
Think about your disaster plans: Disasters can happen anywhere, any time. That’s why it’s important you’re prepared. Do you have a plan for yourself, your pets, and your family? Consider the specific needs you might have in an emergency.
Think about your pets: Add these items in your emergency bag in case you need to evacuate with your four-legged buddies:
- A selfie with them in case you get separated
- Medicine & grooming items
- Collar with an ID & a leash