As per the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) order, all unvaccinated individuals will continue to be required to wear face-coverings in all indoor public settings. Statewide indoor masking requirements regardless of vaccination status will remain in effect for public transportation; healthcare settings; congregate settings like correctional facilities and homeless shelters; long-term care facilities; and in K-12 schools and childcare settings.
Public Health continues to recommend the use of masks in public settings as an effective tool to prevent the spread of the virus, especially in crowded settings. Continuing to mask indoors remains the safest way to protect those who are unable to be vaccinated.
Please remember some individuals may continue to wear masks in public spaces for a variety of reasons, even if they are vaccinated, and as mandates or advisories fade. Someone may be immunocompromised, prefer to wear a mask, or have a family member who is immunocompromised or too young to be vaccinated. Please be kind and conscientious of your fellow community members and the decisions they make to protect themselves.
Vaccinations continue to be the most effective tool in slowing the rate of spread and mitigating severe symptoms of COVID-19. For a list of vaccination clinics, visit the
Sacramento County Public Health Vaccination website, call 2-1-1 or visit Homebound residents can contact 2-1-1 to request in-home vaccination services.