The Sacramento County Department of Finance’s
Revenue Recovery Division, which provides billing and collection services for the County, has a great new tool to help customers manage their payments and pay their bills online!
This tool, Revenue Recovery Online, makes managing payments a breeze! With Revenue Recovery Online you can:
- Sign up for paperless & receive statements via email
- View previous statements, correspondence and payment history
- Set up payment reminders
- Pay Online
- Set up auto pay, so you never miss a due date
This new paperless billing option will help Revenue Recovery customers avoid potential postal delays while also offering a greener alternative to mailed paper bills.
Effective Oct. 1, 2021, the United States Postal Service revised its service standards for certain first-class mail items that increase the delivery time from 1-3 days to 5 days. This new standard may delay customers’ receipt of mail from us and our receipt of mail from them (including payments).
Revenue Recovery sends out close to 100,000 customer statements every month. It is estimated that the standard 45-foot pine tree can produce roughly 10,000 sheets of paper, so every year, Revenue Recovery uses roughly 120 greenhouse gas absorbing pine trees worth of paper, excluding envelopes and other correspondence.
To avoid delays in receiving your Revenue Recovery statement or other time sensitive correspondence from us, and to help us go green,
sign up today for Revenue Recovery Online today. We will email you and let you know when your statement is available to view online. It’s simple and secure!