WHAT: In an effort to encourage park visitors to help keep our parks clean by throwing away their trash, Sacramento County's
Department of Regional Parks has partnered with the Save the American River Association (SARA) and Waste Management to replace waste barrels along the American River Parkway. This partnership, now in its third year, has resulted in the replacement of 300 waste barrels to date.
VISUALS: County Parks maintenance staff will be working with representatives from SARA and Waste Management to replace old waste barrels with new, co-branded barrels. Representatives from all three agencies will be available for interviews.
WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 26, 10 – 11 a.m.
WHERE: William B. Pond Park Picnic FacilitiesBACKGROUND RESOURCES: Sacramento County Regional Parks has partnered with the Save the American River Association and Waste Management to replace the waste barrels in County-owned parks and trails that line the American River. This is the second phase of Regional Parks' new Keep Parks Clean campaign to encourage parkway visitors to help protect our natural resources by disposing of their waste responsibly. Last year, 100 waste barrels were replaced along the parkway and 100 additional waste barrels will be replaced over the coming days.