We are just six weeks out from the Nov. 8 Gubernatorial Election – Sacramento County Voter Information Guides (CVIG) are in the mail and ballots will be mailed to all active, registered voters starting the week of Oct. 10.
Voters who have opted out of receiving a CVIG in the mail will be able to look themselves up and view their guide online through the
Voter Lookup Tool on the website beginning Oct. 10. To access the California State Voter Information Guide, visit the
Secretary of State’s website.
For those voters or soon-to-be voters that need to register or update their registration file, Monday, Oct. 24 is the last day to make those changes or
register online. After the 24th, you can still visit the Election Office in person, or visit one of the Vote Centers that open starting Oct. 29.
Commitment to Transparency
The Sacramento County Department of Voter Registration and Elections is committed to running a fair, honest and transparent election process. Want to come see for yourself? Come tour our office, see our equipment and processes. You’ll learn a lot and walk away feeling better than ever about elections in Sacramento County. Tours are every Wednesday and Thursday at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Registrar’s office (7000 65th Street).
Once staff begin the ballot tabulation process (running the ballots through the “counting machines”), watch a 24/7 live stream of the tabulation process
on our website.
Vote: Pick a Way, ANY Way
Choose how, when and where you want to vote.
- By Mail: All registered voters received a ballot in the mail. Place the voted ballot inside the envelope provided, sign the envelope and return – your postage is paid!
- Vote Center: With the passage of the California Voter’s Choice Act, traditional polling places were replaced with Vote Centers that are open for up to 11 days, including Election Day. This means voters can choose when, where and how they want to vote – at ANY Vote Center in the County. Avoid the lines, vote early.
- At the Vote Center you can drop off your completed ballot OR vote in person. There is even weekend voting.
- Eighteen Vote Centers open for 11 days beginning Oct. 29, 2022.
- An additional 69 Vote Centers open for four days beginning Nov. 5, 2022.
- Eligible residents can also register to vote, update their registration and cast their ballot at a Vote Center, even on the day of the election.
- Drop Boxes: Voted and signed ballots may be placed in any of the 60 secure Drop Box locations throughout Sacramento County beginning Oct. 10, 2022
- When using a drop box, ensure that is an official, secure box provided by your County Election’s Office. All official Sacramento County dropboxes are pink and have the Sacramento County wave logo on them.
Election Results
The first release of results will happen after 8 p.m. on Election night. Ballots may take several weeks to process, due to the increased popularity of returning Vote by Mail ballots, and the trend of waiting to return them until Election Day. Want election results to be final sooner? Vote early!