The Board of Supervisors conducted a workshop at its April 10 meeting to discuss a range of policy considerations related to process improvements, hearing body authority and regulatory and financial incentives to streamline development of housing in infill areas.
The Board of Supervisors directed Community Development Department staff to return with a Resolution of Intention to amend the County’s Zoning Code and County Code in ways that would facilitate streamlined housing production and accelerate infill development.
“We’re taking this feedback from the board and will put together a Resolution of Intention to present back to the board in the coming months,” said Todd Smith, Planning Director. “Our overall goal is to increase the amount of infill development in the unincorporated county and this guidance will become our north star as we move forward with this process.”
High quality infill development benefits the region through investments in aging communities, reducing vehicle miles traveled and associated emissions, and generally improving the quality of life for residents.
In February 2023, the Board of Supervisors adopted a Resolution regarding the County’s Development Review Process Improvements that provided general direction to staff to address process-related constraints to improving the built environment in Sacramento County.
The Board subsequently discussed infill and housing at the September 19, 2023, Board retreat. As it relates to housing and infill, the Resolution acknowledges the unprecedented housing supply and affordability crisis, identifies the need to facilitate equitable investment in and economic development of existing communities, particularly within aging commercial corridors and Environmental Justice communities, and public improvements to help catalyze such investments.
The Resolution further expresses the Board’s general support for amendments to County codes and regulations that allow for more ministerial/by-right development and more approvals at the staff level or lower hearing bodies. Infill development is highlighted as a priority in the goals, policies, and implementation measures of the Sacramento County General Plan.
The recommendations made and potential process improvements suggested at the housing and infill workshop are very much in line with the February 2023 Resolution. A Resolution of Intention related to this workshop will come before the board in the coming months. To stay up to date on all of the County’s infill efforts and to subscribe to project updates, visit