The Board, at its Dec. 8 meeting, directed staff to continue implementation of jail population reduction plans and new construction to address jail facility deficiencies, to continue Mays Consent Decree compliance.
Mays Consent Decree requires a remedial plan in which the County focuses on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, mental health care and medical care, among other issues.
The Board recommended
Option 1A, provided by County staff, to construct an Intake and Health Services Facility on the Main Jail’s Surface Lot. The facility will provide a building addition on adjacent, existing County property to accommodate the Consent Decree requirements that cannot be met in the Main Jail.
Plans for the facility include a new booking loop, medical clinic, and medical housing, as well as the housing units for patients requiring higher levels of mental health care (Acute Inpatient Unit and Intensive Outpatient Program).
As the design and construction of an Intake and Health Services Facility is estimated to take five years, compliance with the Consent Decree will be improved by two additional and related construction projects that can be completed more quickly.
First, the County will need to construct two control rooms at the Rio Cosumnes Correction Center (RCCC). These control rooms will provide higher-level security monitoring for barracks C, D, G, and H. Once completed, barracks C, D, G, and H at RCCC will be sufficiently secure to accommodate the inmates currently housed in the 3rd floor, 300 West Pod at the Main Jail.
The 3rd floor, 300 West Pod may then be converted to an acute psychiatric unit (known as the “3P Project”). Together, these projects are expected to take 32 months to complete.
The Board also directed staff to move forward with 33 jail population reduction plans, including 15 plans that will require additional partnerships and funding for full implementation. Over time, these plans are expected to reduce the average daily population of the jail system by 600-700.
The population reduction plans are focused on both prevention and intervention, ensuring that those interacting with the justice system are provided with the necessary supports and services at every step. These plans include the removal of federal detainees, expansion of pretrial release and support programs, reduced warrants and Probation violations, expanded collaborative and diversion court programs, improved reentry and jail release processes, expanded data-sharing, and a commitment to critical partnerships with local Law Enforcement Agencies and the Superior Court. All 33 Jail Population Reduction Plans can be viewed on the County’s
Public Safety and Justice Agency website.
Cost estimates and timelines for planned jail population reduction efforts will come before the Board at a meeting in Spring 2023.