April is Financial Literacy Month and Sacramento County
Child Support Services now has a unique financial literacy initiative that sets itself apart from any other child support agency nationwide. Recently selected by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, the department of Child Support Services is one of 40 organizations to participate in the
Your Money, Your Goals program to help build the financial well-being for families in Sacramento County.
Each year, organizations that are selected for the Your Money, Your Goals cohort receive training and technical assistance to help discuss money topics with the people they serve in their communities. The tools educate frontline staff on how to help the people they serve develop cash flow budgets, review credit reports, manage debt and achieve financial well-being.
“Our economy’s financial system can be complex for many to navigate. Child Support Services is thrilled to participate in this program that will help bring financial security to so many of our families,” said Terrie Porter, Director of Child Support Services. “Parents who have the legal duty to provide financial support for their children can work with our trained staff to learn more about financial literacy, work through challenges and make informed and effective decisions that help them meet their child support payments.”
Your Money, Your Goals training and resources will better equip the over 300 Child Support Services staff members to be empowered to not only take control of their own personal finances, but also to better equip them to educate and coach our customers who may be in need of this information. The primary goal of Child Support Services is to help customers and their families better handle their financial obligations so they may prosper.
Staff will receive the Financial Literacy training by attending multiple sessions and workshops. The training will be very interactive and engaging. Using real examples and scenarios, the department will drive the message and quickly enhance everyone’s financial literacy abilities. Child Support Services staff will be introduced to different types of cash flow budgeting principles and multiple debt management methods. Leveraging this kind of training will aid employees in working with customers and will have a significant impact on our counties well-being.
To learn more about the Sacramento County Department of Child Support Services, visit their
website or call 866-901-3212.