A Campaign to Establish a Family Justice Center: Domestic violence occurs in the Sacramento area every day. Last year in Sacramento County, there were more than 18,000 domestic violence related calls to 911– more than any other type of calls.
“There are currently a number of agencies and organizations that provide services to domestic violence victims. But, this fragmentation often overwhelms victims who are faced with too many barriers in trying to navigate a system with so many working parts,” said District Attorney Jan Scully.
In 2011, the national Family Justice Center Alliance chose Sacramento County to receive initial funds to launch a Family Justice Center (FJC).
The FJC will be available to serve victims of family violence and sexual assaults, including victims of marital and dating violence, elder and child abuse and human trafficking. The FJC collaborative will include government agencies and community based organizations working together with one central facility where victims and their families can come to access almost all services available in the county. Services will include immediate crisis intervention, safety planning, social service eligibility, counseling, child advocacy, emergency food and transportation, and many other support services designed to keep them from falling back into the hands of the accused. Services will be either housed at the center or linked via video.
“The FJC will give the under-protected and under-served in our community hope – hope of a safe, nurturing place to call home and hope to live a life free from violence and abuse,” said Scully.
Although there are currently 15 FJCs throughout California, the Sacramento center will be a first-of-its-kind in the state because it will integrate Sacramento State as a key partner. The center will provide unique learning and research opportunities for both students and faculty members.
The FJC initiative has garnered support from all sectors of our community, but it’s not enough. Action needs to be taken to make this Family Justice Center a reality. The Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center Foundation is currently looking for existing space to be donated and needs financial and in-kind donations to become operational.
To show your support, visit HopeThrivesHere.org to make a donation, purchase an “I’m In” wristband, or simply share the “I’m In” video and like the “Hope Thrives Here” Facebook page.
We’re in. Are you?
Writer: Danielle Spang, Communication and Media Intern