It’s time again for the California State Fair! Hot dogs, funnel cakes, and snow cones are some fair food favorites. It’s also time for Sacramento County Environmental Health Inspectors to make sure the 150 food stands operating at the fair are following proper food safety practices.
The media has been invited to spend time with the County health inspectors when they are onsite at Cal Expo conducting opening day food booth inspections, on Friday, July 12, 2013, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
“Food safety is the bottom line,” said John Rogers, Environmental Health Division Chief. “It requires a couple of extra steps for the food vendors, but it's crucial for the health of fair goers to make sure we conduct thorough inspections. We take that very seriously."
Health inspectors will be around every day throughout the fair doing unannounced inspections, investigating food-related complaints, and providing education to vendors. Some of the things inspectors look for are that the preparation of fresh food every day as it is not allowed to cool food to use the next day; food is from an approved source; ready to eat foods like hot dogs and hamburgers are not handled with bare hands; hot and cold food are kept at appropriate food temperature ranges; and ensuring safe water supplies and proper disposal of waste.
Visit the Environmental Management Department’s website for more information at