In recognition that recovery happens and people can change their lives for the better,
Sacramento County Behavioral Health Services, Alcohol and Drug Services presented a resolution to California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP). The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors then proclaimed September 2019 as Alcohol and Drug Recovery Month in Sacramento County.
Recovery does happen. Case in point: Wes Colter, a Sacramento County resident who was introduced to methamphetamine when he was only 12 years old. Spending a majority of his life homeless and in and out of Sacramento County jail and prisons, Wes was released from prison in 2007 and decided he was ready to become sober.
“Trauma, childhood abuse, molestation and neglect are the gateways to drug use,” said Wes. “I want to make amends to Sacramento County for all the harm that I did during my addiction, but also thank Sacramento County and the City of Sacramento for the variety of services they offer that helped me become clean.”
Today, Wes is a college graduate, a father to his children, an alcohol and drug counselor, and an advocate for those in Sacramento who are chronically homeless. He delivered a passionate speech at the Board of Supervisors meeting, recognizing County services for helping him recover from an addiction to drugs. Wes’ success story is a living testimony that recovery does happen and people do change their lives.
“It is critical that people experiencing substance use disorders receive the support they need,” said Sacramento County Alcohol and Drug Services Division Manager, Lori Miller. “The reality is that behavioral health is essential to health, prevention works, treatment is effective, and people recover.”
To celebrate recovery, there will be a Recovery Happens Rally at the State Capital on Sep. 4, from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., where thousands will gather to increase awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders, and celebrate recovery. The event will include a recovery walk, pancake breakfast, provider fair, sobriety countdown, keynote speakers, advocacy, entertainment and giveaways. The event is organized by CCAPP.
In addition, Alcohol and Drug Services will be hosting
Take the Mic for Recovery on Sep. 12, from 5 - 8 p.m. at the Sierra 2 Center. This event is intended to educate the community, celebrate recovery and reduce the stigma associated with substance use disorders. The event will include musicians, singers, comedians and spoken word.
Sacramento County provides various alcohol and drug treatment services that range from outpatient treatment, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), residential treatment, detoxification and perinatal services.
To learn more about the Recovery Happens Rally or Take the Mic for Recovery, call Alcohol and Drug Services at 916-874-9754. If you or someone you know suffers from substance abuse or dependency, please call for an assessment at 916-874-9754 or reference the
Alcohol and Drug Services Resource list for information on treatment services within the County.