The past three winters have been some of the driest on record for the Sacramento area, with 2013 being the driest of them all. Although the Sacramento County Water Agency (SCWA) is not currently facing an immediate emergency situation, the Agency is asking its residents to voluntarily reduce water use by 20 percent - a request that is easily achieved with a few simple steps.
“Conserving water is important to assure a continued reliable supply of water to our customers and to everyone in the region. We routinely monitor precipitation forecasts and coordinate with other water providers in the region to prepare for dry periods like this,” said Michael Peterson, Director of the Department of Water Resources.
Although there are plenty of ways to save water indoors, most of our water use happens outdoors. Landscape irrigation alone accounts for 70 percent of total water used on average. During the winter months, cooler temperatures make it easy to conserve water, as landscapes need very little. Something as simple as reducing each irrigation cycle by two minutes can save up to 80 gallons per day.
Water Conservation Tips:
Turn the tap water off when brushing your teeth.
When cleaning up fallen leaves, dirt, and debris, use a broom, rake or leaf blower rather than a hose.
Water your lawn no more than 3 days a week and turn off automatic sprinklers during the winter.
Check irrigation systems for leaks and repair as necessary.
When you replace appliances choose water and energy efficient models. Watch the
SCWA website for rebates and opportunities toward the purchase of efficient products.
Switching to a drip system rather than sprinklers can save a great deal of water.
Peterson adds, “A few extra steps go a long way, and being a little more mindful can mean gallons saved.”
To learn more about Water Smart Appliances, and rebate opportunities for clothes washers and high efficiency toilets, visit
Written by Danielle Spang, Communication and Media Intern