Sacramento County Public Health (SCPH) noticed all schools (TK-12), both public and private, with a
Public Health Order for Schools that all schools in Sacramento County must utilize a distance learning model, until further notice.
Schools may not conduct instruction or otherwise operate as a “day care,” “child care,” “camp,” or any other allowable activity. Students are not permitted on school campuses or to otherwise engage in in-person school activities, except as specifically noted below:
- Emergency Mental Health Counseling – If emergency in-person mental health counseling is deemed necessary, in lieu of virtual settings, it may be conducted on an individual (1:1) basis.
- Initial English Language Learner Assessments – May occur in-person on campus and conducted on an individual (1:1) basis unless group settings are legally required, in which case the groups should be the smallest size possible.
- Special Education Assessments – May occur in-person on campus on an individual (1:1) basis as required by state and federal regulations.
The Order provides clarification that all schools must not conduct in-person instruction while the County is on the State’s Monitoring List. The State requires counties on the Monitoring List be removed for a period of at least 14 consecutive days in order for the Public Health Officer to consider in-person instruction for grades 7 - 12. The State has provided guidance that allows local health officers to grant waivers for elementary schools to conduct in-person instruction, but Public Health will hold off on the consideration of these waivers until the data shows evidence that the transmission of COVID-19 is slowing. It is anticipated that waivers could be considered no sooner than mid-September.
Sacramento County Public Health understands the difficulty this creates for students, teachers, staff, and families. However, these restrictions are in place to limit the spread of COVID-19 in Sacramento County to help keep our community healthy and safe.