The community is invited to join Sacramento County and the Sacramento Tree Foundation for the NeighborWoods initiative kickoff event to plant trees that will enhance the natural beauty of Cottage Park and create community.
Who: Sacramento County and the Sacramento Tree Foundation - Event Speakers: Sacramento County Supervisor Don Nottoli; Mike Grace, Fulton-El Camino Recreation and Parks District General Manager; and Sumi Lineback, Neighborhood stakeholder
What: NeighborWoods Initiative Kickoff Event
When: November 18, 9 a.m. – noon
Where: Cottage Park, 3097 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825
Visuals: Ceremonial tree planted with opportunities for photos. Shade trees will be planted throughout Cottage Park
Media Alert Contacts:
Clare Williams, Sacramento County Tree Coordinator, 916-875-5502
Torin Dunnavant, Sacramento Tree Foundation, 916-974-4302
This fun tree-planting event will give neighbors the opportunity to meet and share ideas for other tree projects in the community while having a celebratory lunch! To RSVP, call 916-974-4306 or go online to RSVP.
The kickoff event is just the start of this ongoing partnership initiative to plant trees that will benefit the citizens of Sacramento County for generations to come. Neighborhoods with more trees have been shown to have tighter-knit communities, higher property values, walkable streets with more activity, lower energy costs, and less pollution. The NeighborWoods program is dedicated to guiding local residents on how to bring the benefits of trees to their homes and neighborhoods. Along with these efforts, the plan of the initiative is to identify, cultivate and support 10 NeighborWoods projects in under-resourced communities in the unincorporated County to plant 250 trees. Additionally, with funding from PG&E, 90 oak trees are also planned to be planted over the next three years.