During the General Election in 2018, the Vote Center at Modoc Hall on the Sacramento State campus was heavily used by students on Election Day, particularly in the evening hours before polls closed. While the students were patient, excited and in good spirits,
Sacramento County Department of Voter Registration and Elections recognizes that there is room for improvement in the voter experience.
To that end, VRE has partnered with the students' representatives and staff at Sacramento State to not only expand the Vote Center in 2020, but to expand education of early voting options, online voter registration and accessibility options for the student population.
On Oct. 17, 2019, the VRE Outreach Team is hosting a table and accessibility equipment demonstration at the Sacramento State Civic Engagement Fair. VRE staff will be on hand to help students update registration information or register to vote, answer any questions about the voting process. The goal for 2020 is to increase the number of voters taking advantage of voting by mail and early voting options. Staff will also be demonstrating how to use the disability equipment for voters that may be visually or hearing impaired, as part of a VRE Disability Workshop.
About the Voter Disability Workshops
Voter Registration and Elections has a long-standing commitment to working with voters with disabilities to help them exercise their right to vote. These workshops are an opportunity for the community to test and become familiar with our accessible voting equipment, register to vote or update their registration, and obtain general information about their voting options for the upcoming 2020 election. We will have available to observe and test our ImageCast X Tablet, a demo of a Remote Accessible Vote by Mail ballot with voice reader capabilities enabled, as well as a ballot drop box. This is an opportunity for the public to become familiar with our accessible voting equipment so they can cast their ballot independently and privately.
More about the Voter’s Choice Act (VCA)
Sacramento County is one of the original five counties in California that implemented the Voter’s Choice Act in 2018, expanding voting opportunities for all residents. VRE saw positive results in the primary and general election in 2018 and looks forward to improved ease and access for voters as we enter the 2020 Election cycle.
As a reminder, here are the changes the VCA allows:
Choose how, when and where you want to vote.
- By Mail: All registered voters will receive a ballot in the mail. Place the voted ballot inside the envelope provided, sign the envelope and return – your postage is paid!
- Vote Center: With the passage of the California Voter’s Choice Act, traditional polling places have been replaced with Vote Centers that are open for up to 11 days, including Election Day. This means voters can choose when, where and how they want to vote – at ANY Vote Center in the County. Avoid the lines, vote early!
- At the Vote Center, you can drop off your completed ballot OR vote in person. There is even weekend voting!
- 18 Vote Centers open for 11 days beginning Feb. 22, 2020
- An additional 67 Vote Centers open for four days beginning Feb. 29, 2020
- 57 Drop Boxes – Voted/signed ballots may be placed in any of the 57 secure Drop Box locations throughout Sacramento County beginning Feb. 3, 2020
- Eligible residents can also register to vote, update their registration and cast their ballot at a Vote Center, even on the day of the election.
A complete list of locations can be found online and will be provided in the Sacramento County Voter Information Guide that will be mailed out prior to the election.