Heroes of Human Service Awards recognition was created to honor those who have touched the lives of others through their advocacy, dedication, service and support throughout Sacramento County.
We are looking for individuals/groups who have demonstrated outstanding involvement and commitment to human services. Human services are broadly defined as community services that support and protect individuals and families. Examples include efforts not limited to:
- Social work
- Mental health care
- Dependent care
- Job training
- Shelter services
- Health programs
- Mentoring
- Financial assistance
- After school programs
- Nutrition services
- Substance abuse services
- Legal and criminal justice services
- Recreation services
A person/group may be nominated for extraordinary efforts exhibited by commitment, dedication and dependability over a period of time OR a person/group may be nominated for a one-time specific situation or incident that exhibited extraordinary effort. ALL nominations will be considered.
Who is Eligible?
Nominees must have demonstrated a commitment to human services through efforts to provide residents of Sacramento County with the resources, services, supports, or opportunities needed to enhance quality of life and social functioning.
- Nominees may be from a volunteer organization/ club or committee:
- Examples should be reflective of efforts that go beyond the scope of their regular employment
- Nominees may be from a place of employment:
- Examples should be reflective of extra-ordinary work that they do at their place of employment that is beyond performing their regular work duties
Selection and Notification
A panel representing the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and the Human Services Coordinating Council will make the selection of honorees and those selected will be notified by their respective County Supervisor’s office.
How do I Nominate?
Fill out the nomination form and return it to the Human Services Coordinating Council by the deadline. You may attach extra pages if needed to answer questions. Please only nominate one person or group per form. Submission deadline is Sep. 4, 2020.
For questions regarding the nomination process please contact:
Gloria Bedford
Human Services Program Planner