The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and the Sacramento County Department of Transportation hosted today a groundbreaking event to celebrate construction startup for Phase 2 of the Hazel Avenue Widening Project (Curragh Down Drive to Sunset Avenue).
This current project is part of a comprehensive three phase effort to improve Hazel Avenue from US-50 to Madison Avenue. The overall purpose of Hazel Avenue improvements is to reduce congestion and increase safety and mobility for all modes of transportation in this corridor. A Phase 1 project was completed in September 2011.
The Phase 2 project includes:
- Widening Hazel Avenue from four to six lanes within the project limits.
- Constructing bicycle lanes, landscaped medians, and separated sidewalks with landscaping along Hazel Avenue from Curragh Downs Drive to just north of Sunset Avenue.
- Modifying existing traffic signals at the following intersections: Hazel Avenue @ Curragh Downs Drive; Hazel Avenue @ Winding Way; Hazel Avenue @La Serena Drive; Hazel Avenue @ Sunset Avenue
- Installing new traffic signal interconnect to ease traffic congestion.
- Replacing overhead utilities with underground facilities on Hazel Avenue within project limits (69kV lines will remain overhead).
- Replacing Fair Oaks Water District’s aging and undersized existing water main with a new 12” pipeline.
- Constructing sound walls to minimize noise impacts from Hazel Avenue on residential neighborhoods.
- Planting more than 270 new trees to beautify the corridor.
Bay Cities Paving and Grading Inc., is the contractor for the $19.5 million Phase 2 project. The project is funded with revenue from Federal Transportation funds, the Measure A Sales Tax, and Development Fees. SMUD is a significant partner for the utility undergrounding component of the project. In addition, the Fair Oaks Water District is partnering on replacement of the 12” water main along Hazel Avenue.