Heads up to commuters and travelers who use Elverta Road in the north county between Metro Air Parkway and the East Levee Road: Beginning Monday, August 19, the east section of Elverta Road from Hwy 99 to East Levee the will be closed as the work on the interchange enters into the construction of the on/off ramps with HOV by-pass lanes, new bicycle lanes and sidewalks, and traffic signals. These closures will also prevent access to and from Hwy 99 at Elverta Road.
All vehicles including bicycles are to use the detours detailed in the news release. The work is expected to continue into mid-October
This project will construct a new interchange to replace the existing intersection. Major elements of the interchange project include:
Construction of a new interchange with ramp meters and HOV by-pass lanes on all freeway on-ramps.
Widening and reconstructing approximately 1 mile of Elverta Road.
Addition of bicycle lanes and sidewalks.
Relocation of existing drainage canals.
Two new traffic signals at the terminus of the freeway off-ramps.
Drought tolerant landscaping in the four quadrants of the interchange.