Since Friday, March 28, there has been an increase of 60 confirmed COVID-19 cases and an additional death in Sacramento County.
As of March 30, at 11:30 a.m., there is a total of 224 confirmed COVID-19 cases, and the number of those who have died of complications of COVID-19 is seven (Individuals who died from complications of COVID-19 were either age 65+ or had underlying health conditions).
Ages of all confirmed cases:
- Age 0-17: 3
- Age 18-64: 140
- Age 65+: 81
There have been confirmed cases in the unincorporated areas as well as in all the cities within Sacramento County, except for Isleton.
“This data tells us, that regardless if we live in urban, suburban or rural areas, it is imperative that all of us continue to stay home as much as possible. When we absolutely must go out – whether in your neighborhood or to grocery shop – we must maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from each other,” said Dr. Peter Beilenson, Director of the Department of Health Services.
We all need to do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19. Remember, you still can go outside – just keep your distance and don’t gather with others. When you are out in public spaces, be sure to not touch your face, and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after touching shared surfaces.
During the
Public Health Order, all businesses are allowed, “Minimum Basic Operations” to maintain the value of the business’s inventory, ensure security, process payroll and employee benefits, or for related functions. However, businesses and employees should provide and comply with Social Distancing Requirements and facilitate telework where feasible. When working remotely or a physical distance of six feet can’t be done, it’s not safe for anyone – employees or clients.
The spread of the virus is primarily caused by human contact – we need to keep our distance and comply with the Health Order to slow the spread of COVID-19.