Confirmed Cases
As of April 6, at 10:15 a.m., there is a total of 462 confirmed COVID-19 cases, and the number of those who have died of complications of COVID-19 is 18 (Individuals who died from complications of COVID-19 were either age 65+ or had underlying health conditions).
Ages of all confirmed cases:
- 0-17: 4
- 18-49: 182
- 50-64: 115
- 65+: 161
Mobile Testing Site Open to Public
A Community-Based Testing Site (CBTS) for COVID-19 was set up in Sacramento County in the latter part of March. The site was spearheaded by the California Department of Public Health, verily, the California Office of Emergency Services and the Governor’s Office in coordination with Sacramento County Public Health.
Originally, the testing was targeted to people referred through a health care provider. Public Health is now encouraging anyone with mild to moderate symptoms to visit to be screened for testing.
Those who meet testing eligibility will be scheduled for a drive-through appointment for free COVID-19 testing and will be sent details by email or phone on how and where to get tested.
The COVID-19 testing location is unable to take walk-ins and testing is by appointment only – those not registered will not be tested. Medical care is not provided on-site.
Public Health Hotline Available
Sacramento County Public Health has a COVID-19 hotline available at 916-875-2400 for Sacramento County residents.
Callers to the hotline will receive the following information and transfer options:
- Referrals for frequently asked questions
- Chinese language referral to 211
- Russian language referral to 211
- Media referral to
- Referral to EMD/311 to report bar or restaurant violations of the public health order
- Referral to CA Department of Labor for employees/employers
- Sacramento County COVID-19 website:
- Eight transfer options:
- Spanish-language line
- Main SCPH CD number
- Negative Testing Results
- Specimen (testing) Collection Appointments
- General COVID-19 questions
- Guidance on whether a business is essential or non-essential
- School Districts, Day Care Center
- Community Based Organizations and Faith-Based Organizations