The Sacramento County Department of Transportation is pleased to announce that the Sacramento Chapter of the American Public Works Association (APWA) has given a Transportation Project of the Year Award (Interchange Category) for the Watt Avenue @ U.S. Hwy 50 Interchange Improvement Project. Award recipients were honored at an annual awards event on August 7, 2015.
“We couldn’t be more proud to be recognized for this outstanding public works project,” said Bradley J. Hudson, County Executive. “Kudos to the Transportation team for their excellence in planning, designing and completing this extraordinary project.”
The APWA local chapter’s awards program recognizes public works projects that demonstrate excellence in management, administration, design, construction and community relations, as well as the alliance among the managing agency and the consultant/engineer/contractor who worked together to complete the project. Details about the project are listed below:
• Modified the interchange to improve traffic operations and safety.
• Constructed a new dedicated BRT transit lane on Watt Avenue.
• Constructed a continuous bicycle and pedestrian pathway separated from vehicular traffic along the east side of the interchange.
• Installed new decorative and energy efficient LED street lighting.
• Constructed more than 3,700 feet of new sound walls.
• Planted more than 24-acres of water-efficient landscaping, including over 370 new trees.
The $25 million project was funded by State Proposition 1B programs including the Corridor Mobility Improvement Account and the State-Local Partnership Program, and by the Sacramento County Measure A Sales Tax program. O.C. Jones & Sons General Engineering Contractors was the project contractor. AECOM and Mark Thomas & Company were the project consultants.