Notice of Availability of County-wide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan
The County of Sacramento is committed to providing seamless access to all its programs, services and activities for qualified individuals with disabilities. To ensure appropriate access exists, as well as compliance with State and Federal disability rights laws, a Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (SETP) has been prepared to fulfill the requirements set forth in Title II of the ADA. The law states that public entities must identify barriers in policies, programs, and the built environment, and to prioritize and develop barrier removal solutions that will facilitate equivalent access for all qualified individuals.
The County Board of Supervisors received the draft plan and opened the 30 day public comment period at their regular meeting of October 22, 2019. The public comment period closed at 5:00 PM on Friday, November 22, 2019. The final Plan is scheduled to go before the Board for approval on April 21, 2020.
The SETP documents are available for review online on the Sacramento County website, and are linked below. A printed copy is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Sacramento County Disability Compliance Office (DCO), 700 H Street, Room 5720 Sacramento CA 95814.
For questions, comments or requests for accessible document formats, contact the DCO at 916 874-7642 (TTY 711) or email:
Final Reports for April 21, 2020 Board meeting:
Draft Reports from October 22, 2019 Board meeting: