Website Help
Are you having difficulty with this website? How can we help you?
I can't find what I'm looking for
We know that people have different preferences in how they look for information online, so we've built in several ways to help you find what you need. Please try these:
- Follow the navigation - Check the category links at the top of the page and in the center of the County home page. Select the category that most closely matches what you are looking for and check there for a link to the specific information or service you need.
- Use the Search tool - Enter the word or words that best describe what you’re looking for in the Search box at the top right corner of the page.
- Service Directory – This tool contains information about the services the County provides to residents and the community. The search box you find there will look specifically for content inside the directory.
- County Departments – Check here if you are looking for a specific County department. You'll also find links here for boards, commissions, affiliated agencies, and County divisions.
- Contact us – If you tried the above ways of locating information but cannot find it, send an e-mail to the web team and tell us what you’re looking for. We'll get your message to the right department. And it could also help us know how to make the website more useful.
I'm having trouble with the page I'm trying to use