​Helpful Links

Listed below are more helpful links for Sacramento County as well as for statewide and national volunteer organizations. The links go beyond the county to continue services for volunteers living outside the community who want to get involved and make an impact.


  • City of Roseville: The City of Roseville Volunteer Center provides opportunities for Roseville citizens to contribute to their community. Volunteer contributions are a value-added enhancement to City services and provide the volunteer with a unique perspective of City government and non-profit organizations.
  • DOVIA Sacramento: Directors of Volunteers in Agencies. They host informational meetings once a month and provide other information and resources for local area agencies that utilize volunteers. DOVIA has created and made available a comprehensive handbook for new Volunteer Coordinators.
  • Friends of the Sacramento Public Library: A volunteer, community-based organization that advocates for the Library and helps raise funds for its collection, services and facilities.
  • SeniorNet: An​ international, non-profit organization dedicated to teaching seniors how to use computers. Locally, SeniorNet​ offers several courses and is looking for seniors willing to volunteer time to teach or assist in these courses, as well as clerical assistance.
  • Volunteer Match: Individuals can search by zip code to find volunteer opportunities.



  • Active 20-30: Active 20-30 is a non-profit organization that raises money to provide personal growth, friendship and leadership while improving the quality of life for the special needs children throughout the community. First established in Sacramento in 1922, Active 20-30 is now established in 10 different countries. Visit the Sacramento chapters: the men’s club and the women’s club.
  • America’s Promise: National initiative chaired initially by Collin Powell to promote community service and programs to support youth.
  • AmeriCorp​s Seniors​: Information about RSVP, Senior Companion, and Foster Grandparent Programs.
  • Points of Light: A national volunteer center with links to other volunteer sites nationwide.
  • Volunteers of America​: Information about the Volunteers of America program and projects.
