Attention, DIY mechanics! If you change the oil and filter in your car or truck, Sacramento County’s Department of Waste Management & Recycling now picks up used oil and motor oil filters every week, on the same day as your garbage service.
Used cooking oil is also accepted for recycling on the same day as your garbage service.
Please follow these easy set-out reminders:
- Put used oil in a rigid or semi-rigid one-gallon plastic container, such as milk/juice/water jugs, detergent, or cooking oil bottles.
- Up to three one-gallon containers may be collected per week.
- Lids need to be securely closed. Screw-top lids are best. Tape lids to avoid spills!
- Used oil filters must be drained and placed in a zip-lock plastic bag.
- Put used motor oil, used oil filters, and cooking oil on the curb three feet away from the garbage cart.
- Don’t mix cooking and motor oil, and don’t mix motor oil with other automotive fluids, such as antifreeze or brake fluid. Residents can drop off these items for free at a local Household Hazardous Waste Facility. Visit the Department of Waste Management and Recycling website for locations.
This curbside service is provided at no additional charge as part of your regular weekly garbage service.
Used oil and motor oil filters can be recycled into many helpful products. Motor oil doesn’t wear out and can be re-refined into fresh motor oil or used as fuel oil that heats homes, businesses, and electric power plants. The steel in used oil filters is also easily recycled. Cooking oil can be converted into biodiesel fuel.