When used motor oil is poured on the ground or into storm drains, it pollutes our soil and water. Also, when cooking oil is poured down the drain it clogs pipes and creates sewer backups (adding soap only helps temporarily).
Be like Oscar Oil!
Correctly recycle used motor oil, filters and cooking oil at the curbside for no additional cost, by following the curbside collection set out instructions:
- By 6 a.m., place used motor oil, filters and cooking oil at the curbside at least 3 feet from other curbside carts and 6 feet from stationary objects, on the same day as organics and garbage collection (for residents south of Calvine Road, picked up of used oil and filters is on Recycling collection day).
- Do not mix motor oil and cooking oil together. Use separate containers for used motor oil and cooking oil.
- Do not mix motor oil with other fluids, such as antifreeze or brake fluid.
- Place used oil in rigid or semi-rigid plastic containers with secure lids (screw-top are best; tape closed) that are:
- Clear/translucent one-gallon containers, such as milk/juice/water jugs, or reuse the original oil containers.
- Maximum size is a 5-quart container.
- Maximum pickup is a total of three gallons per collection.
- For oil filters:
- Drain the filter of any oil.
- Put filters in a plastic zip-top bag.
- Place bag on the ground next to the used motor oil containers.
More to Know about Used Motor Oil!
- Contains contaminants such as lead, arsenic and cadmium.
- Is responsible for more than 40 percent of the oil pollution in our country's waterways.
- One gallon can pollute one million gallons of drinking water.
- It’s easy to recycle and can be re-refined into motor or biodiesel oil.
- Used oil filters contain about one pound of reusable steel.