The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors approved today the utilization of $499,778 in unspent HHAP-1 funding in Fiscal Year 2021-22 to increase the Flexible Housing Pool (FHP).
The FHP extends rental assistance and housing placement support services for those experiencing homelessness or extends services for existing FHP participants who remain financially vulnerable.
In 2019, Sacramento County established the FHP to help families and individuals transition from the streets or temporary emergency shelter to permanent housing and achieve housing stability through ongoing supportive services. The rollover funds will provide housing subsidies and case management support for up to 100 existing FHP clients through FY 2022
DHA recently released a
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for case management and property-related services to support the FHP model. From there, a qualified pool of contracted providers will be established to support existing and future funding opportunities without the delay of going back out for bidding.
“This approach allows DHA to develop a pool of qualified providers and enter into contract as funding, programs and strategies are identified by the Board to address homelessness in the community, said Julie Field, Homeless Services Division Manager, Department of Human Assistance. “A nimble and responsive contracting process with well-vetted providers will allow DHA to move an approved strategy to its implementation phase in weeks versus months.”
DHA has moved a large portion of its contracted services to the RFQ model in order to deploy services more quickly. In October, an RFQ was released for shelter services, shelter sites, outreach navigation, the administration of flexible housing funds, food and sanitation services.