These are just a few of the responses customers offered in response to radio commercials that ask what the Sacramento International Airport’s identifier code “SMF” stands for and what it means to them.
The airport gained the three-letter identifier when it moved from Freeport Boulevard to its current location in 1967. It actually stands for Sacramento Metropolitan Field. No one has called it that since 1998, when Sacramento Metropolitan Airport transformed into Sacramento International Airport, but the three-letter code remains the same.
So why not have a little fun with the moniker? Last year, Sacramento International Airport launched a campaign emphasizing the ease and convenience of flying out of Sacramento, saying it was as “Easy as SMF.” A radio and social media campaign, which began March 3, asked customers to come up with their own interpretations. Here are more responses:
Cindy Van Buren: Start My Fun-cation
Lisa Rhei: Sacramento Masters Flying, or in German, Sacramento Meistert Fliegen
Melanie Andrews: Sacramento Means Fun.
Lorie Simons: Sailor Meets Family (Lorie has a loved one in the US Navy)
The ad campaign highlights features which customers identified in a professionally administered marketing survey last year. The goal is to nudge travelers who may be using other airports to instead use their hometown air service provider, and that Sacramento International Airport is a good value for the travel dollar.
You can add your two cents by visiting the Sacramento International Airport Facebook page at or its Twitter feed at