January 13 Update
4:00 p.m. Update to Urgent Advisory: Glanville Track
Laguna Towne Hall Shelter will close at 8pm. However, the Red Cross will be on standby in case another shelter needs to be opened should conditions in Glanville change.
2:30 p.m. URGENT ADVISORY: Glanville Track
Snodgrass Slough levee failure is possible. Be prepared to evacuate people, pets and livestock to higher ground. An evacuation center is available at Laguna Town Hall (3020 Renwick Avenue) in west Elk Grove.
This is a dynamic situation that could change at any minute, possibly calling for evacuations. Be prepared with clothes, comfort items, medications, prescription glasses, specialty items for children and seniors.
Notification Area Boundary: Lambert Road to the north. Franklin Blvd to the east. Lost Slough to the south and west boundary is Snodgrass Slough. Boundary Map:
January 12 Update
9:00 p.m.
Crews have provided a temporary stable fix to the Lost Slough levee issue. Staff will continue to monitor the levee throughout the evening.
Although the issue is resolved, if the situation changes there could be calls for evacuations. Residents who have evacuated the area are encouraged to stay out of the area throughout the evening. Residents who have not evacuated may choose to leave. An evacuation center is open at Laguna Town Hall (3020 Renwick Avenue) in west Elk Grove.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for emergency alerts at
3:00 p.m. - Lost Slough levee failure is possible (view map). Be prepared to evacuate people, pets and livestock
to higher ground. An evacuation center is available at Laguna Town Hall (3020 Renwick Avenue) in west Elk Grove. This is a dynamic situation that could change at any minute, possibly calling for mandatory evacuations. Be prepared with clothes, comfort items, medications, prescription glasses, specialty items for children and seniors.
Courtland Fire Station 92 Evacuation Center is closing now that the Evacuation Center in Elk Grove @ 3020 Renwick Ave. is open.
9:30 a.m. - Residents from Point Pleasant were given notice this morning at 4:45 a.m. regarding rising waters near their homes. There is NOT an official evacuation in place, however, residents may choose to evacuate or move to higher ground if they feel their home may be compromised.
Those who are experiencing flooding, or feel they may need to leave may go to:
Courtland Station 92 - 1125 Hood Franklin Rd. (now closed)
January 11 Update
5:30 p.m. - The Sheriff's Office has lifted the voluntary evacuation order for Wilton and New Hope.
Roadway Impacts/Closures:
- NB Highway 99 at Dillard Road is now open but very slow on number two lane.
- Twin Cities Road is closed between Christensen and Pellandini Roads
- Dillard Road is closed between Highway 99 and Riley Road
- The intersection of New Hope Road and Kost Road is closed
1:30 p.m. - River levels in the Sacramento area are forecast to recede later this afternoon and into the evening.
Rio Linda:
- The Sheriff’s Office has lifted the voluntary evacuation order for Rio Linda.
- Due to lack of demand and changes in the weather system, the evacuation center at Rio Linda High School closed at noon.
- Weather reports for today are less than a tenth of an inch of rain today. For tomorrow, predicting a tenth to two tenths an inch of rain.
Mokelumne River at New Hope Road:
- There are two levee breaches on the Mokelumne River in Thornton at New Hope Road and a breach on Grizzly Slough at New Hope Road.
- The flow of water is spilling to the east into farmland, and no residences are threatened.
- Portions of New Hope Road near the breaches are closed.
- Officials are continuing to work and monitor the site.
Cosumnes River:
- As of 11 a.m., the Cosumnes River has had overtoppings in four areas just east of Highway 99 between 99 and Wilton Road.
- Predictions are that Cosumnes River flows will be dropping below the flood stage at 12 feet early this afternoon.
- Dillard Road near the river is closed with flooding now carrying onto Highway 99.
- Sheriff and County staff will continue to monitor the river.
- Due to lack of demand and changes in the weather system, the evacuation center at the Elk Grove site (Pavilions) will close at 4 p.m.
- Weather report for Wilton—light showers today, less than a tenth of an inch of rain; tomorrow morning through noon predicting 1/3 inch of rain.
Regional Parks:
- Gibson Ranch has reopened.
11:30 a.m. - The storms have subsided, but creeks, streams and rivers will continue to have high flows through at least Thursday, January 12 and possibly into Friday, January 13.
The voluntary evacuation in Rio Linda has been lifted. However, at this time, Wilton’s voluntary evacuation has not been lifted. Some of the waterways in the south part of Sacramento County have reached flood stage and are overtopping levees and flooding agricultural land. Monitor the level of Sacramento County waterways on
Many roads throughout the Sacramento County have been impacted by flooding and are currently closed. Monitor the
Sacramento County Road Closures page and sign up for road closure email notifications. Remember to heed road closure signs and don’t attempt to drive through floodwater.
Disaster Cleanup Information:
January 9 Update
3:30 p.m. - As a result of the storms over the weekend, localized flooding is causing additional road closures, including south of Elk Grove on
Dillard Road from Highway 99 to Riley Road, as well as on Twin Cities Road between I-5 and Highway 99. View all the County road closures in effect:
Dry Creek West at Elkhorn Blvd. has reached the 44.9 ft monitor stage. Flood stage is 45.9 ft. Follow real time at
January 8 Update
EVACUATION CENTER Update 6:45 p.m.: Due to an abundance of caution, the voluntary evacuation center located at 9950 Elk Grove Florin Road will remain OPEN this evening, Jan. 8.
EVACUTATION CENTER Update 5:30 p.m. - Due to lack of demand and changes in weather conditions, the voluntary evacuation center located at 9950 Elk Grove Florin Road will be closing tonight at 9 p.m. If conditions change, the center can be reactivated, and if anyone needs these services later tonight, there will be information posted on the outside of the center.
PARKS: Due to weather conditions, Gibson Ranch, in addition to the American River Parkway, will remain closed until further notice
BRIDGES: Tyler Island Bridge (on Sacramento River in Delta area) will not be opening for boats for safety reasons. The bridge is open to vehicle traffic.
EVACUATION CENTER: (for Wilton and Cosumnes River area residents) remains open.
REPORT: Local flooding to 875-RAIN. Street flooding or neighborhood issues to 311.
January 7 Update
Voluntary Evacuation Center Opened In Elk Grove -
Red Cross has opened a center for anyone in the local area wishing to evacuate their home. It is the Pavilion at Elk Grove Park, 9950 Elk Grove Florin Rd, Elk Grove. Staff and supplies will be on hand.
Restocking of the County sandbag locations stopped at noon today so that resources could be redeployed towards storm response. The City of Sacramento opened two locations today. Call 211 for latest sandbag information.
For safety reasons, the American River Parkway will be closed beginning Sunday, January 8 until further notice.
Update on Coming Rain
With the heavy rains expected, some local creeks and rivers, including the Mokelumne River and the Cosumnes River, will likely see flooding.
county sandbag locations have been opened. If you live in an area that typically experiences flooding, please be prepared.
Report localized flooding, call 311 or 916-875-4311,
go online, or download the
Sac County 311 Connect mobile app. View flooding and watch creek levels in real time at
County Regional Parks is notifying people along the Sacramento and American Rivers about rising waters including areas around Discovery Park, Howe Avenue and Watt Avenue.
Transportation crews will be available 24/7 over the weekend to handle flooded roads, downed trees or fallen branches, traffic signals that are out and downed street signs.
Report issues in the unincorporated area to 311 (or 916-875-4311).
211 in Sacramento for information on warming centers, shelters, and sandbag locations in local cities.
Helpful hints for rainy and cold weather:
Heavy rains are predicted through January 9. Because some areas are already saturated, there is potential for some
local stream and creek flooding. Winds may cause downed trees and power lines. The County has opened a fifth sandbag site at the Wilton Fire Station. If you see flooding while driving, remember to “Turn Around, Don’t Drown.”
High Water Along River
High water is expected in many areas of the Regional Park system as a result of the forecasted rain over the next 3-7 days. As a result, many areas will be closed along the American and Dry Creek Parkways. County Park Rangers will be contacting people in and around the Parkway Wednesday, Jan. 4, and Thursday, Jan. 5, in areas prone to flooding, advising people to seek higher ground in order to remain safe during the rain storms.
Current Park Closures
American River Parkway multi-use trail between mile 0.5 and mile 2.5, then at mile 20.5 (detour will be in place).
All islands on the American River between Hazel Ave and Discovery Park.
The area north of Discovery Park between the boat launch and Garden Hwy.
Parks access for Howe and Watt Avenues.
Road Closures
Cold Weather Tips
Cold temperatures are still with us. Here are some helpful tips:
Loved Ones
- Check on elderly family members, friends, or neighbors. Elderly people and those with serious medical conditions are at risk. Please be sure to check in on community members that might be vulnerable during this cold spell.
- Bring your pets indoors. Saturated soil and strong winds can topple fences, gates and trees allowing your pet to escape. Lightning and thunder scares most pets and can cause them to bolt, so ensure your pet is micro‐chipped, licensed, and have them wear a collar and ID tags. A dog or cat left outside in severe cold weather can die quickly from exposure. Except for exercise and walks, all dogs and cats are safer indoors during the winter. Make sure they have a warm draft-free place indoors with a dry mat or blanket that they can lie on.
- Where to get help.
Call 211 in Sacramento for information on warming centers, shelters and other services for people in need.
Around the House and in Your Car
- Rake your leaves. Raking leaves can prevent flooding by keeping storm drains clear.
- Turn Around –Don’t Drown. If a street is flooded, turn around. Don’t assume you can make it.
Prepare for wind. Secure yard items that may blow around. For downed power lines, stay away and call 9-1-1 immediately. Prepare now for the possibility of loss of power. - Reduce your vehicle speed. Wet roads increase the distance and time needed to stop your vehicle. Also, if the temperature stays below 32 degrees, there is a high probability that black ice will form. Be extra cautious when going over bridges and/or overpasses. Give yourself extra spacing between vehicles in front of you.
- Watch for tree limbs. As temperatures dip and the wind picks up, trees become vulnerable to limbs snapping. In instances of trees fallen in roads or right–of-ways, County residents can call 916-875-4311 for more information. Note: Trees or branches that fall on private roads or property are the responsibility of the property owner. Property owners should contact a private tree service for fallen trees or branches on private property.
- Carbon Monoxide is a “silent killer.” It is not OK to heat the inside of your home with any kind of BBQ, propane heater, or any other fuel-fired equipment. Only use heaters installed with your home and those designed to be used indoors. Make sure that your natural gas furnaces and other appliances are in good, clean working order.
- Insulate outdoor pipes that lead into your home to prevent freezing. Seal with caulk around the pipes that lead into and out of your home. Inside your home, leave bathroom and under sink cabinets open to help warm the water. If your pipes freeze, leave your tap on and call the plumber. You can defrost your pipes using a hair dryer on a low setting, working your way slowly from the faucet to where your pipe enters the wall.
- County residents who need to have their water turned off in order to make repairs to their lines may call 916-875-RAIN or 875-7246 for more information.
Flooding Preparedness
- Know your flood hazard. Is your property subject to flooding? Are you in a repetitively flooded area? It's important to familiarize yourself with our region's flooding history.
- Buy flood insurance. Protect your investment in your property! Take advantage of a low cost, Preferred Rate policy.
- Check out water levels in local streams in real time on the County Water Resources website.
Sand bags – Four Self-serve sandbag locations are open in the unincorporated area.
Remember all sites are self-serve, so please bring your own shovel. - Report Flooding – Call (916) 875-RAIN (7246) to report localized flooding
Get the Information you Need
- Sign-up for Emergency Alerts. This system alerts residents about emergency events and other important public safety information quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road closures, missing persons and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.
- Learn more about how to
stay safe during fog and cold weather.