The Sacramento County Department of Transportation (SACDOT) is making changes to the lanes and signal timing to improve traffic flow as construction moves forward on the Watt Avenue at US-50 interchange. This is an active construction zone with 90,000 cars per day driving through the site, and at times, construction activities will lead to traffic delays.
The recent reconfiguration of US-50 off-ramps and the installation of new traffic signals on Watt Avenue caused an increase in congestion throughout the interchange last Monday. To improve the flow of vehicles, additional lanes on Watt Avenue were opened up to traffic and timing adjustments were made to the traffic signals. These changes have improved traffic conditions such that the congestion and delay problems experienced on Monday have been solved and traffic conditions have returned to normal.
SACDOT staff is taking the following measures to improve the flow of traffic through the interchange:
Traffic Signal Timing: Each day since Monday (12-16-13), traffic signal adjustments have been made to the new Watt Avenue traffic signals to improve traffic flow. SACDOT will continue to closely monitor traffic flows and make additional adjustments as appropriate.
Additional Traffic Lanes: In early January, an additional traffic lane will be opened on northbound Watt Avenue and a third right turn lane will be opened on the westbound off-ramp. This additional capacity will also improve the flow of traffic through the interchange.
Motorists are advised to reduce speed and drive carefully through the interchange as construction activities, signal adjustments and lane openings continue.
It is important to note that the configuration of the interchange today is not the final result. Significant improvements have been implemented this week to reduce delays and SACDOT will continue to make further improvements in the next few weeks. In the coming months, the completed interchange project will result in a significant reduction in overall delay through the Watt Avenue corridor and much easier and safer access on and off the freeway for everyone.
Patience is Appreciated: SACDOT understands the challenges and inconvenience that motorists may experience during this project work. The patience and cooperation of the traveling public is appreciated as work to construct the interchange project continues.
Interchange Construction Goal: The Watt Avenue at US-50 interchange project will reduce congestion, install dedicated transit facilities, and improve access and safety for bicyclists and pedestrians.