If you plan to travel down Hazel Avenue this weekend, prepare for lane reductions between Curragh Downs Drive and Sunset Avenue. Construction crews will be conducting round the clock asphalt paving and traffic signal work.
This will be similar to work performed in November, but drivers will find detours posted if they are looking to turn onto either La Serena Drive or Quail Run Way. Crews will begin detours on Hazel Avenue at La Serena Drive on Thursday morning, January 11. Drivers coming will only be allowed to turn right from La Serena Drive onto northbound Hazel Avenue. Drivers will not be allowed to turn left on to La Serena Drive from southbound Hazel Avenue. Instead, drivers will detour onto North Winding Way to Winding Way and back onto northbound Hazel to make a right turn onto La Serena.
The weekend work will also force the closure of Quail Run Way at Hazel Avenue. The access will close beginning Friday night. A detour will be in place to direct drivers to enter and exit the neighborhood at the intersection of Quail Meadow Way and Sunset Avenue.
This work is part of the Hazel Avenue Widening Project. The northbound and southbound lane closures will also impact bicycles traffic, but every effort will be made to provide access to riders. If you travel through the area, please be cognizant of these lane closures and the associated delays when planning your daily activities.
The lane closure weekends will begin on Friday, January 12, at 7 p.m. The lanes will fully reopen and detours removed the following Monday at 6 a.m.
This work may be delayed if rain hits the area. If that occurs, the paving will be rescheduled to the following weekend.
The anticipated completion of this second phase to widen Hazel Avenue is June of this year.