The Sacramento County Department of Transportation (SACDOT) has started construction on the Anna Kirchgater Elementary Safe Routes to School project, which will increase pedestrian safety and accessibility near the school on Stevenson Avenue off Power Inn Road. Funding for this project is provided by the State Safe Routes to School Grant Program and Measure A Sales Tax funds. This State grant program helps promote the health and safety of students by providing funding for the construction of street improvements near schools.
“The major benefits of the project are to increase pedestrian safety -- especially for students -- by providing sidewalk connectivity and ramps, and improved safety and security with the addition of street lighting,” said Michael Penrose, Director of Sacramento County Department of Transportation. “We are excited to begin construction and be a part of a project that will benefit the community and Anna Kirchgater Elementary School students.”
Project improvements will include: new curb, gutter and sidewalk infill near the school; storm drain system modifications; sidewalk ramps that will be placed at the intersection of Stevenson Avenue and Goshen Way and at Stevenson Avenue and Beachmont Way; new street lighting; roadway resurfacing and restriping including bike lanes; and installation of a new speed table in place of the existing speed bumps west of Beachmont Way. A speed table is a flat-topped speed bump that allows each wheel of the car to rest upon it, rather than typical speed bumps where only two wheels can rest at a time. A speed table is best for residential areas because it can slow a car to 20-25 mph.
For parents with children walking or biking to school, this project will allow them to breathe a little easier each morning. The Anna Kirchgater Elementary School project is one of a number of California State Active Transportation Programs (ATP) that encourage increased use of active modes of transportation.
Writer: Alicia Solheim, Communication and Media Intern