Sacramento County has an amended Public Health Order that will allow the relaxation of restrictions on low-risk businesses consistent from the direction of the State of California, to move further into Stage 3 of the state’s
Resilience Roadmap. The new
Public Health Order will become effective at 11:59 a.m. today, June 12.
Sacramento County is able to move further into Stage 3 because its
Variance Attestation was approved by the state on May 20.
The following activities and venues are now allowable in the amended Public Health Order as listed in
Appendix B of the Order, provided they have implemented the required health and safety protocols outlined in
Appendix A of the Order:
- Bars and wineries
- Hotels, lodging and short-term rentals
- Campgrounds, RV parks and Outdoor Recreation
- Gyms and fitness facilities
- Pools
- Museums, galleries, zoos and aquariums
- Family entertainment centers
- Movie theaters
- Day camps
- Tribal casinos
- Cardrooms, satellite wagering facilities and racetracks
Additionally, businesses must include a policy for face coverings in their protocol and provide face coverings to staff when six feet of social distance is not possible.
“In spite of recent re-openings, the virus risk is still here,” said Dr. Peter Beilenson, director of Health Services. “We have seen an increase in COVID cases and hospitalizations recently, in large part due to social gatherings, and to keep these cases down we need to remember to be sensible while we’re being sociable.
“Continue to maintain social distancing requirements of six feet or more, practice good hand hygiene, stay home as much as possible and remember that gatherings of people not from the same household inside houses are prohibited.”
The Health Order supersedes previous orders and is in effect until it is rescinded or amended by the Sacramento County Health Officer.
The best defense against COVID-19 continues to be:
- Staying at home and physical distancing
- Wearing a face covering wherever possible
- Washing hands frequently
- Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoiding being around people with COVID-19 symptoms
For questions about the Public Health Order, call the Public Health hotline at (916) 875-2400.