This Health Order supersedes previous orders and is in effect until it is rescinded or amended by the Sacramento County Health Officer to coincide with the State’s movement through the stages in its
Resilience Roadmap.
“County Public Health staff has been working to ensure a coordinated system with healthcare partners to identify possible cases, coordinate testing, and lead contact tracing to identify those possibly exposed for infection control. Our Public Health system, along with the public’s compliance with the health orders leading to this point, are responsible for the County being able to move further into Stage 2,” said Dr. Peter Beilenson, Director of Health Services.
Once Sacramento County business sectors approved for Stage 2 reopening have implemented the state’s reopening requirements, they will be allowed to resume modified operations with social distancing, and include, for example: dine-in restaurants, shopping malls, micro-enterprise retail/storefronts, car washes, pet grooming, day care, outdoor museums and open gallery spaces, and small offices when telework is not possible.
However, unless bars, breweries and wineries provide in-house dining, they will not be permitted to reopen beyond takeout and delivery. Additionally, CDPH is not approving the opening of any gyms or small fitness studios of any kind and does not permit in Stage 2 gatherings of any kind in any County. Read the
State Variance document and the County’s Health Order with readiness checklists for complete details on what is permitted.
“Businesses are responsible for reviewing and understanding the guidance that’s been provided, and they are required to post readiness checklists certifying their ability and commitment to reopen safely. Working in partnership with our business community, we’re ensuring compliance with the County’s Health Order so that our residents continue to stay healthy as the local economy reactivates,” said Board Chairman and District 1 Supervisor Phil Serna.
For Sacramento County, its Health Officer, Dr. Olivia Kasirye, attested to criteria laid out by the state, including: stability of COVID-19 cases/deaths in the county; protection of essential healthcare workers and first responders; adequate testing and containment capacity; hospital capacity; support for vulnerable populations; and requirements for Stage 2 timelines and triggers for adjustments.
Therefore, the public and business owners must closely follow the state’s reopening guidance and the County’s Health Order to help curb a surge of new COVID-19 cases, which would return the past restrictions and closures.
Sacramento County is recommending the
CDPH guidance on the use of cloth face coverings whenever social distancing cannot be maintained indoors or outdoors. While wearing a face covering, the public should find ways to maintain social distancing requirements of six feet or more, practice good hand hygiene, and stay home if ill.
The cloth face coverings recommended are not medical grade respirators, such as N95 and surgical masks. A cloth face covering should cover the nose, mouth and chin, and be made of soft or permeable material, without holes or one-way valve that allows respiratory droplet release.
The best defense against COVID-19 continues to be:
- Staying at home and physical distancing
- Washing hands frequently
- Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoiding being around people with COVID-19 symptoms
For questions about the Public Health Order, call the Public Health hotline at (916) 875-2400.